Freshwater New Arrivals

New Axolotls 04/05/2024

New Axolotls 04/05/2024

Axolotl alert!

They are all roughly three inches of pure cuteness in both normal and GFP. Axolotls make an incredible low-maintenance pet, which explains why they are so popular. Drop by and get yourself a tiny axolotl, as we have all the equipment you need to get started.

Freshwater New Arrivals

Freshwater Friday 04/05/2024

Freshwater Friday 04/05/2024

Blue Phantom Plecos are a highly sought after species. Lots of aquarists love them not only for their attractive color but also for their size of only seven inches. This species has a lifespan of 8 to 15 years and loves to eat meaty foods, such as bloodworms, along with any leftovers dropped from mealtime. All of this week’s newest fish are listed below.

Silver Arowana
Redfin Prochilodus

Assorted Peacock Cichlid (Medium)
Assorted Peacock Cichlid (Medium / Large)
Hongi Cichlid

Rummynose Tetra (Wild Caught)
Harlequin Rasbora
Silver Hatchet
Bala Shark
Yellow Panchax

Koi Betta (Female)

L128 Blue Phantom Pleco
Glass Catfish
Siamese Algae Eater

Freshwater New Arrivals News

Game Fish Restock 04/05/2024

Game Fish Restock 04/05/2024

Walleye and Northern Pikes are available!
You heard that right! Our first gamefish shipment of the year is here! We will get more shipments later in the year, so this is only the first of few. Native fish sell fast due to their popularity, so don’t forget to pick your favorite before time runs out!

Prices and types listed below.

Northern Pike $49.99ea (2 left as of 04/08/24)
Walleye (SOLD OUT)
Sunfish $19.99ea OR 3+ for 16ea
Bullhead $9.99ea
Perch $9.99ea
Perch (SOLD OUT)
Crappie $19.99ea OR 3+ for 16ea

Freshwater New Arrivals

New plants! 04/04/24

We got a little bit of everything this week. Starting with our favorite, Anubias. Big or small, these easy going plants are perfect for anyone with a tank. Looking for a little more color? Scarlet temple is a great option for a striking pink; try Limnophila Hippurdoides for some flashy feathery purple. These plants might not look like much now but once they are acclimated to your tank you’ll want to show the word! Don’t forget to ask our plant pros for tips and tricks for an Instagram worthy aquarium.

Limnophila Aromatica
Limnophila Hippuridoides
Ludwigia Cuba
Ludwigia Ovalis
Ludwigia Red
Parrot Feather
Pogostemon Erectus
Pogostemon Stellatus Narrowleaf
Scarlet Temple
Crypt Wendtii Brown
Anubias Barteri
Anibias Nana Golden
Anubias Nancon
Java Fern Narrowleaf
Water Sprite Indian Fern
Amazon Sword
Sagittaria Narrowleaf
Italian Vallisneria
Jungle Vallisneria
Red Root Floater
Brazilian Sword (bog plant)
Anubias Frazeri

Mint Charlie
Cardianl Plant
Crinum Calamistratum
Creeping Rush
Dwarf Hairgrass
Hydrocotyle Japan
Red Flame Sword