A few popular picks are back in stock, one of which is Pom Pom Crabs. 🦀 These crustaceans clip off parts of anemones which are then used for gathering food and warding off potential predators. 🐙 There are also a few more Tiger Pistol Shrimp and Gobies, which you can never have enough of. However nothing can compare to how cute it was to watch the Frilly Sea Hare lick the tank wall with his itty bitty radula ( basically a tongue made out of tiny teeth👅) and do what looked to be slow spin-outs on the glass. 🏎 As always, the whole list of newest arrivals is below.
SALTWATER FISH Lrg Pink/Blue Spotted Watchman Goby Yellow Clown Goby Diamond Gobies Black & Gold Chromis Matted Filefish Gold Bar Wrasse Africa Annularis Angel Maculosus Angel
Outside might look very gray, but I have to say inside here it’s very clear it feels like a warm summer day. Stop by and hop through all the boisterous tanks filled with lustrous life down every corner. Take a stroll past your favorite tank and rank your favorites. Don’t be shy, time flies when you’re spying into all the bright and beautiful waters. We hope to see you scope all the newest fishy friends. Full list of new arrivals below, and have a spectacular Friday!
COMMUNITY Assorted Dwarf Gourami (Male)
CICHLIDS Leopard Discus Pigeon Blood Discus Snow White Discus Albino Angelfish Black Angelfish Koi Angelfish
ODDBALL Dwarf Pea Puffer Green Scat (Brackish)
GOLDFISH Tricolor Oranda
BETTAS Koi Plakat Betta (Female) Crowntail Betta (Male)
INVERTEBRATES Bamboo Shrimp Red Fire Shrimp Red Cherry Shrimp Gold Back Yellow Shrimp Sunkist Shrimp Blue Velvet Shrimp
It’s perfect weather outside to mention our brand-new Snowball Eel! ❄️ This guy enjoys tight spaces, and although Snowflake Eels have poor eyesight, they have an incredible sense of smell. 👃 We also received some new tiny Engineer Gobies which prefer to spend most of their time burrowing and making impressive tunnels. Lastly, we currently carry over 500+ coral options for decorating your aquariums! 😁 Full list of this week’s Saltwater arrivals below.
SALTWATER FISH Foxface Rabbitfish White-Spot Rabbitfish Two-Spot Goby Rainfords Goby Engineer Goby Purple Firefish Small Snowflake Eel Pajama Cardinals Solar Wrasse Disco Blenny Aurora Goby Pink Square Anthias Male Pink Square Anthias Female Linespot Flasher Wrasse
CORALS Neon Green Acropora Aculeus Neon Green Rhodactis Tri-color Acropora Valida Pink Center Rasta Bam-Bam Zoanthids
Did you know Angelfish are the most commonly kept cichlid? 🌊 Discovered in 1823 and sent to a museum to be documented in 1824, Angelfish were not breed in the United States till around 1930. 🧐 Angelfish are widely loved due to their variations in colors, patterns and body shapes. There are only three known species of Angels: Pterophyllum scalare, Pterophyllum altum, and Pterophyllum leopoldi. Check out our list below for all this week’s newest arrivals. 🦈
CICHLIDS Zebra Obliquiden Albino Socolofi Kenyi Red Blotch Zebra Assorted Peacock Cichlids Select Mix Angels Assorted Angel Black Ram
COMMUNITY Ghost Shark Tiger Silver dollars
CATFISH / LOACHES / PLECOS Brown Bushynose Albino Bushynose
The saltwater room is constantly changing with different residents. This week we want to show pictures of our favorite new and old fish. The best part about Saltwater Saturdays is seeing the joy on everyone’s faces while they look through all the tanks, although it never ceases to amaze us hearing the passion for this hobby from not only our employees but also all of you. A big thank you to everyone who supports us and continues to show us why we love what we do. If you are just interested in seeing this week’s new arrivals look on our website below, and hopefully your first Saturday of summer goes “swimmingly”.
SALTWATER FISH Yellow Band Possum Wrasse Large Orange Belly Blue Tang Red Pygmy Waspfish Green Mandarin Dragonet Ruby Red Dragonet Eibli Angel Royal Gramma Diamond Gobies Green Clown Goby Hector’s Goby Black Bar Convict Goby
INVERTEBRATES Halloween Urchin Small Candy Cane Pistol Shrimp Green Bubbletip Anemone
Kicking off Freshwater Friday with 🎉61🎉 new arrivals! We were able to snatch Green Phantom plecos, Blue Phantom Plecos, Redtailed redeye Puffers, Amazon Puffers, tons of different male Halfmoon Bettas, and of course by popular demand, more Clown Loaches! 🎪 We restocked our spider wood as well, but if you don’t like the options upfront, we have A WHOLE BUNCH more in the fishroom. 🌳 In addition, there are more UNS tanks back in stock in the sizes 90U, 40C, 16C, 90L, 60L, 45L, 25S, 5S, 3N, and 90B. As always, if you’re interested in the newest fish inventory, check out below.
COMMUNITY Cardinal Tetra (Wild Caught) Green Neon Tetra (Wild Caught) Rummynose Tetra (Wild Caught) Ruby Tetra (Wild Caught) Rubber Pleco Black Tetra Brilliant Rummynose Tetra Serpae Tetra Neon Tetra Tiger Barb Green Tiger Barb Celestial Pearl Danio / Galaxy Rasbora Silver Hatchet Marble Hatchet Common Guppy
Experts say it’s too early to start planting a garden, but there is never a bad time to add plants to your aquarium. We have lots of new plants (maybe too many), some new to Forest Lake Pets. Homlomena Sekadau South is a rare plant that looks like a Crypt but grows like Bucephalandra. Lagenandra Meeboldii Red is much the same with broad dark red leaves. If you’re looking for something with quicker growth, we’ve got you covered; Pogostemon, Parrot Feather and Rotala are great stem plants that keep on growing.
P.S. Don’t miss out on some great plant deals, just look for the Orange Tags!
PLANTS 🌱 Anubias Barteri Anubias Congensis Anubias Frazeri Anubias Nancon Giant Baby Tears Hornwort Hygro Pinna Lloydiella Ludwigia Dark Red Ludwigia Ovalis Ludwigia Super Red Mini Mermaid Weed Parrot Feather Pogostemon Stellatus Narrowleaf Rotala Vietnam H’Ra Wisteria Crypt Wendtii Brown Crypt Wendtii Mi Oya Java Fern (mat) Java Fern Water Sprite Indian Fern Water Sprite Laceleaf Grandifolius Sword Homalomena Sekadau South Java Moss Lagenandra Meeboldii Red Banana Plant Staurogyne Repens Duckweed (portion) Red Root Floater Amazon Sword Ruffle Sword Sparkle Sword Uruguayensis Sword Italian Vallisneria Jungle Vallisneria
POTTED: Crinum Calamistratum Cardinal Plant Anubias Coffeefolia Creeping Rush Dwarf Aquarium Lily Hydrocotyle Japan Monte Carlo Pearl Weed Temple Plant Tiger Lotus
Now here’s something you don’t see every day, especially in Minnesota, a live Sand Dollar. This isn’t the only uncommon Saltwater creature we received this week; we also have a Dwarf Zebra Lionfish! If poisonous isn’t your thing don’t worry, we also have more hard-working Pistol Shrimp or gorgeous corals and anemones. We hope everyone has an incredible Easter weekend. The whole list of this week’s arrivals is below
SALTWATER FISH Temminicki Fairy Wrasse Cleaner Wrasse Niger Trigger Chocolate Tang Half Black Porcupine Puffer Dwarf Zebra Lionfish Green Chromis Red Scooter Blenny Royal Gramma Randalls Anthias (Male) Pink Square Anthias Fathead Sunburst Anthias Longhorn Cowfish Sim Springer Damsels Coral Beauty Six Spot Sleeper Goby Two Spot Goby
INVERTEBRATES Feather Duster Yellow Vilolet Sand Conch Sea Hare Tiger Cowry Ninja Star Astrea Snail Pistol Shrimp Tiger Pistol Shrimp Purple Claw Fu Manchu Shrimp Orange Claw Hermit Crab Porcelain Crab Porcelain Crab Green Long Tentacle Anemone Green
CORALS Aquacultured “Goldmeister” Chalice Florida Ricordea Red Skirt Zoanthid Aus Red/Green Acropora Frag
Exciting news! We have two BRAND NEW ⚠️ EXTREMELY RARE⚠️ species: Panaqolus sp. “Royal Lyretail Zebra Pleco” and Ancistrus sp. “king” Rio Pichis which were both Imported from Peru! Our store is extremely thankful to be able to have opportunities like this, but more importantly we are happy to be able to offer these to you. We would like to invite everyone to come and enjoy Good Friday with us in our warm fish room with your friends and family. If you’re just interested in seeing what’s new, look at the list below.
CATFISH / LOACHES / PLECOS L226 Tiger Pleco Otocinclus Loricaria cf. parnahybae L229 Red Cochliodon Hypostomus Panaqolus sp. “new” “Royal Lyretail Zebra Pleco” New Import from Peru! First Time in Country! Ancistrus sp. “king” Rio Pichis New Import from Peru! First Time in Country!
COMMUNITY Rummynose Tetra
CICHLIDS Green Discus Biotodoma cupido “Cupid Cichlid”
It’s almost time for spring cleaning and shrimp are the perfect helpers! 🧹 A great choice would be Peppermint Shrimp as they help clean up nuisance Aiptasia anemones within your aquarium and accidental left over food. 🦐 The best part about shrimp or gobies is there is so many different kinds that make it possible to customize your tank to how you want it to look and function. We would also like to put out a final reminder on our huge clownfish sale that includes 30+ fish, and there is also a sale for hammer coral. 🔨 For the small list of this week’s arrivals check the categories below.
SALTWATER FISH Aurora Goby (paired with Pistol Shrimp) Royal Gramma Flame Angel Exquisite Fairy Wrasse