Isn’t nice to sit inside on those humid days and be able to stare at your own Barrier Reef? 👁👁 Give your aquarium a makeover this summer with our ever-changing coral, fish and invertebrate selection. 🐚 Some favorites that arrived this week include, but are not limited to, a Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish, Blue Claw Pistol Shrimp, and a Yellow Coris Wrasse. 💛 Our newest saltwater fish are listed below!
SALTWATER FISH Black Fin Fairy Wrasse Yellow Coris Wrasse Solor Fairy Wrasse Foxface Rabbitfish Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish Springeri Damsels
INVERTEBRATES Blue Tuxedo Urchin’s Halloween Urchins Sea Hare Strawberry Conch Blue Claw Pistol Shrimp
Nigeria, Indonesia, and Columbia – Oh my! 🌏 Not only did we stock a new type of puffer this week but there are also TWO NEW types of Lungfish for sale! 🐡 Of course, we must showcase our newest Elephant Nose as well because they always find homes quickly! 🐘 Check this week’s MASSIVE list of new fish below.
We received a few top sellers this week that we frequently tend to showcase, so instead we decided to take some snapshots of different fish, coral and invertebrates that we haven’t highlighted for quite some time. It can be stressful picking out a new piece for your saltwater tank whether it be substrate or even a simple decoration, but we’re here to assure you we have experts that can help you from the smallest question to the most intricate. Check out our new invertebrates below or stop by and look through our vast saltwater selection.
INVERTEBRATES Black Foot Trochus Snail Bubble Anemone Green Nassarius Snail Peppermint Shrimp Pencil Urchin Red Tuxedo Urchin Emerald Crab
The first pond shipment of the year is ready! ☀️ Come stock your private ponds with our four different sized new Koi or pick out a plant that speaks to you. 🍃 Our store also carries UVC pond filters, waterfall pumps, pond safe chemicals, and multiple different food options for your picky eaters. The best part about owning a pond is they are the summer project that never ends! 😂 If you’re interested in the fish we received this week, check out below!
GOLDFISH FOUR sizes of koi! New Shipment for your ponds! Sarasa Comets Shubunkins Goldfish
Not only did we receive aquarium plants this week, but we now have 🌱POND PLANTS🌱, which will be pictured in tomorrow’s post! We have everything to help you aquascape the tank of your dreams. 👩🌾 A common misconception is that you NEED a C02 tank to keep plants but believe it not you don’t! ❌ It can be as simple as a light mineral dose. Come talk to one of our plant experts and find the plant you’ve been dreaming of! 💤 List of this week’s newest plants below.
PLANTS 🌱 Parrots Feather Water Hyacinth Water Lettuce Water Lettuce Curly Leaf Water Lettuce Rosette Water Poppy Red Root Floater Bacopa Cardamine Lloydiella Ludwigia Moneywort Pogostemon Stellatus Wisteria Italian Bunched Nancon Java Fern Water Sprite Canna, Australia Canna Cleopatra Red Leaf Cattail Graceful Dwarf Cattail Golden Club Black Gamecock Iris Blue Flag Iris Chinese Lizard’s Tail Mosaic Plant Dwarf Papyrus Blue Pickerel Corkscrew Rush Variegated Striped Rush Bikini-Tini Taro Imperial Taro Mojito Taro Mermaid Jungle Val Hairgrass Dwarf Hairgrass Giant Hairgrass Pearl Weed
Quite a few new vibrant corals are now available! In addition, our saltwater department is excited to share a couple Midas Blennies are back in stock. This Blenny was giving us the side eye for moving his favorite rock, but he sure is a fancy little fella. Included below are also two pictures of saltwater fish from previous weeks, but were too shy to pose for our camera when they first arrived. Have a great Mother’s Day weekend and we wish everyone luck for the fishing opener! Full list of this week’s arrivals below!
SALTWATER FISH Blue Tangs Midas Blennies Zebra Dwarf Lionfish Randall’s Prawn Goby Royal Grammas Blue Spot Black Blenny Orange Spotted Blenny Lawnmower Blennies Green Chromis
Another dawn, another day, another amazing morning to play with the fish! We have some new Oranda Goldfish, which are typically docile and all around carefree. Oranda’s are generally popular due to their unique bumpy hood, long life expectancy of around 15 years, and beautiful flowing fins. Not to mention, we also have Assorted Ranchus, which are kind of like an Oranda but with no dorsal fin and they tend to take the shape of a cute golf ball with tiny fins. Look at our website below for the list of this week’s freshwater arrivals.
COMMUNITY Roseline Shark Chilli Red Rasbora Black Molly
CICHLIDS Red Empress Cichlid
GOLDFISH Tricolor Oranda Assorted Select Koi Assorted Ranchu
Everyone loves cute starfish! Take the Chocolate Chip Star for example, which can live up to 17 years or possibly our Sand Sifting Starfish who is excellent at eating all the leftover food. There are also more of everyone’s favorite Tuxedo Urchins and a Pencil Urchin! In addition, we are having huge sale right now for freshly cut Red Plating Montipora, while supplies last. Whole list of this week’s arrivals below.
SALTWATER FISH Regal Angelfish Yellow Band Possum Wrasse Solor Fairy Wrasse Blue Tang Two Spot Goby Black Bar Convict Goby Purple Firefish Goby Valentini Puffer Red-Tail Filefish Matted Filefish
INVERTEBRATES Mint Chocolate Chip Red Tuxedo Urchins Blue Tuxedo Urchin’s Pencil Urchin Sand Sifting Starfish Large Chocolate Chip Starfish
CORALS Huge Montipora Sale-Red Plating Jedi Mind Trick
One fish, two fish, goldfish, your fish! A small shipment of new colorful fish is here. Our fancy goldfish find homes very quickly, especially the ones with unique patterns, so make sure you visit us before they are gone! This week’s arrivals are below.
COMMUNITY Flying Fox Cardinal Tetra (Tank Raised)
CICHLIDS Assorted Oscar Pearl Red Flowerhorn Cichild