Freshwater New Arrivals

Freshwater Friday 04/26/2024

Freshwater Friday 04/26/2024

It’s GLO-ing in here!

The fish room restocked eleven GLO varieties this week including GLO Danios, GLO Sharks, GLO Tetras, and GLO Corys. Add a little spice to your family aquarium with the colors Cosmic Blue, Galactic Purple, and Celestial Yellow.

The newest arrivals are listed below.

Electric Green GLO Shark
Galactic Purple GLO Tetra
Starfire Red GLO Tetra
Electric Green GLO Tetra
Longfin Glactic Purple GLO Tetra
Longfin Sunburst Orange GLO Tetra
Starfire Red GLO Danio
Cosmic Blue GLO Danio
Galactic Purple GLO Danio
Sunburst GLO Danio
Celestial Yellow GLO Cory
Green Tiger Barb
Buenos Aires Tetra
Black Phantom Tetra
Blue Kerri Tetra
Assorted Platy
Assorted Fancy Guppy (Male)
Assorted Fancy Guppy (Female)
Assorted Fancy Cobra Guppy (Male)
Assorted Angelfish
American Flag Fish
Common Guppy

Ghost Shrimp

Brown Bushynose Pleco

New Arrivals Small Mammal

New Rats 4/25/2024

New Rats 4/25/2024

More Tiny rat beans are available.

While other stores may set their rats up for failure, we set ours up for success. On top of daily interaction, we have a volunteer every Monday and Friday that showers the ratties with love plus yummy snacks. We have a rat expert on staff almost every day of the week and highly encourage large husbandry for lifelong enrichment. In this last month, we’ve taken in 22 surrenders, 10 of which are still looking for new forever families and second chances. If you’re looking for a committed pet that only lives an average of two years, consider researching rats and stopping by to ask us questions.

New Arrivals News Product Saltwater

Saltwater Saturday 04/20/2024

Saltwater Saturday 04/20/2024

There are no new Saltwater arrivals this week, BUT we are running a surprise 20% off all hydro room and grow supplies sale. This staggering flash sale will be active until this Tuesday (4/23/24). Just a few of the brands we carry are Foxfarm, Gaia Green, Bokashi, Mad Farmer, House and Garden, Lotus, and Nectar for the gods.
Stop by and get your soil for your garden before this deal is over!

Freshwater New Arrivals

Freshwater Friday 04/19/2024

Freshwater Friday 04/19/2024


Polypterus endlicheri

Red Rubin Peacock
Jacobfreibergi Peacock
Red Nemo Oscar

Rummy Nose (Tank Raised)
Brilliant Banded Rummy Nose
Black Tetra
Neon Tetra
Red Eye Tetra
Penguin Tetra
Colombia Redfin Tetra
Cardinal Tetra (Tank Raised)
Black Bar Silver Dollar
Dwarf Gourami
Boesemani Rainbow (Male)
Blue Neon Dwarf Rainbow
Pseudomugil paskai”Red Neon Dwarf Rainbow”
Blue Neon Dwarf Rainbow
Golden Barb
Odessa Barb
Scissortail Rasbora

Vampire Crab
Orange Carnaval Crab

Striped Borneo Sucker
Albino Cory
Rabauti Cory (Tank Raised)
Julii Cory (Tank Raised)
Barbatus Cory (Tank Raised)
Kuhlii Loach
Clown Loach
Yoyo Botia
Yellow Pleco
Hypostomus Pleco

New Arrivals Plants

New plants! 08/03/23

We have lots to choose from this week! From reds for beginners to greens for the well seasoned aquarist; and everything in between. The Dwarf Aquarium Lily is an easy way to give your fishy friends some top cover with large leaves you can almost watch grow. Littorella Uniflora (American Shoreweed) is a short grassy plant that creates a perfect lawn for your scape.

Amazon Sword
Anubias Barteri
Anubias Congensis
Anubias Nana
Anubias Nancon
Crypt Lucens
Crypt Parva
Crypt Wendtii Brown
Crypt Wendtii Green
Dwarf Sagittaria
Java Fern
Java Fern Narrow Leaf
Lagenandra Meeboldii “Red”
Litterella Uniflora
Ludwigia Cuba
Ludwigia Ovalis
Ludwigia Super Red Mini
Nesaea Golden
Pogostemon Stellatus Narrowleaf
Italian Vallisneria
Jungle Vallisneria
Water Sprite Indian Fern
Water Sprite Laceleaf

Anubias Coffeefolia
Anubias Nana Golden
Crypt Pink Flamingo
Crypt Wendtii Red
Dwarf Aquarium Lily
Dwarf Baby Tears
Dwarf Four Leaf Clover
Cardinal Plant
Creeping Rush
Ludwigia Ovalis
Micro Sword
Pearl Weed

New Arrivals Reptile

New Geckos 04/13/2024

New Geckos 04/13/2024

Three new Gargoyle Morphs of varying sizes, and two baby leopard geckos.

New Arrivals Saltwater

Saltwater Saturday 04/13/2024

Saltwater Saturday 04/13/2024

The plants of saltwater: Coral
Options from easy to hard, there is a piece of the ocean for everyone. From the hobbyist looking for a new colorful pop to families just taking an adventure, this is THEE destination for you.
No new arrivals this week, but all our previous lists are below

Freshwater New Arrivals

Freshwater Friday 04/12/2024

Freshwater Friday 04/12/2024

Bumble Bee Gobies!
Your eyes don’t deceive you, the bees are back! It’s noted that this fish can get a little over an inch long, but some are only half that! However, with this tiny brackish species size comes a short lifespan of around roughly 3 years. These bees also need a protein-rich diet, so incorporating frozen foods such as tubifex and blood worms is vital.

This week’s newest arrivals below.

Bumble Bee Goby
Albino Clawed Frog
African Clawed Frog

Snow White Moscow Guppy (Female)
Blonde Redtail Guppy (Female)
Dumbo Ear Guppy (Male)
Assorted Gourami
Dwarf Gold Honey Gourami

Black Moor
Calico Fantail

Black Batik Nerite Snail
Vampire Crab
Mexican Dwarf Orange Crayfish


New Arrivals Small Mammal

New Small Animals 04/09/2024

New Small Animals 04/09/2024

Zebra Finches, Society Finches, and surrendered Dumbo rats.

Earlier this week we received a beautiful Dumbo mother rat and her little weanling babies. She came from a loving family, but the shop they got her from mixed males and females, hence the 12 lovely babies came to be. Please help us find some good homes for this rat family. We have cages, food, toys, and hides to get anyone started.

New Arrivals Saltwater

Saltwater Saturday 04/06/2024

Saltwater Saturday 04/06/2024

Lets highlight some of our clownfish!  If you’re looking to give your tank more life and activity, this fish is the perfect choice. Clownfish are also a wonderful starter species due to their hardiness and personalities. 

Check us out below for all our newest arrivals!

Citron Goby
Green Mandrian Dragonet
Yellow Corris Wrasse
Naokoae Fairy Wrasse

Koko Worm
Pencil Urchin
Astrea Ninja Star Snail

Aus Zoanthid Frag
Funcky Green Tounge Coral
Orange/Green Rhodactis
Duncan Frag