A beautiful selection and some effective cleaners in this week’s saltwater arrivals! Full list of arrivals below, as well as some snapshots of these and others in the saltwater room.
SALTWATER FISH Purple Queen Anthias Blackcap Basslet Ceram Lawnmower Blenny Tail Spot Blenny Blue Head Pink Damsel Green Mandarin Dragonet Bar Goby Cleaner Wrasse Foxface Sailfin Tang Green Chromis
INVERTEBRATES Sand Tiger Conch White Starfish Tiger Pistol Shrimp Candy Cane Pistol Shrimp Blue Leg Pistol Shrimp Fire Shrimp Sally Lightfoot Crab Emerald Crab
A lot of new saltwater livestock this week, including a large selection of clownfish…SO much so, they get their own section in our list! Snapshotted here are some of the new arrivals and a select few others in the saltwater room. Full list of saltwater arrivals below.
CLOWNFISH Orange Ocellaris Classic Black White Stripe Maroon Wyoming White DaVinci Classic Snowflake Lots Spots Snowflake Sapphire Black Snowflake Lots Spots Black Snowflake Sapphire Snowflake Classic Onyx Cheek Spots Onyx Picasso Picasso Lightning Maroon
MISCELLANEOUS FISH Purple Queen Anthias Flame Anthias Social Fairy Wrasse Melanarus Wrasse Formosa Wrasse Cleaner Wrasse Blue Jaw Trigger Blue Tang Striped Bristletooth Tang Royal Blue Pygmy Angel Eibli Angel Coral Beauty Mandarin Dragonet Green Psychedelic Dragonet Yellow Watchman Goby Red Stripe Pygmy Goby Leopard Watchman Goby Flagtail Prawn Goby Yellow Clown Goby Red Head Clown Goby Wheelers Prawn Goby Black Bar Chromis Melanesian Blue Damsel Bicolor Blenny
INVERTEBRATES Tiger Tail Cucumber Tiger Pistol Shrimp Skunk Cleaner Shrimp Sexy Shrimp Peppermint Shrimp Bumble Bee Shrimp Red Leg Hermit Emerald Crab Nassarius Snail Black Foot Trochus Snail
This week’s newcomer freshwater fish list has so many African Cichlids, we gave them their own section! Here are some snapshots of a few arrivals and the full list.
COMMUNITY Australian Goby Clown Killi (Limited) Scarlet Badis Cardinal Tetra Red Dwarf Gourami Powder Blue Gourami Platinum Tinfoil Barb Red Eye Lyretail Sword Assorted Guppy
GOLDFISH & KOI Assorted Butterfly Goldfish
CATFISH / LOACHES / PLECOS Clown Loach Super Red Ancistrus
INVERTEBRATES Fire Cracker Lobster Algae Eating/Amano Shrimp