Unwanted Pets
Forest Lake Pets will re-home healthy reptiles or fish when possible. However, we will no longer be accepting birds or small mammals (Resources for small mammals are listed below including a few vet recommendations).
Please make sure to call and arrange a time before dropping off any animals. We do not offer store credit or cash, but always make sure to find these pets a good home.
If you’re looking to rehome a bird or small mammal, feel free to check our resources below for options.
Surrendered Animal Resources
Facebook Options:
- Minnesota ratties and rodents (Group for all Rodents, can ask fee)
- MN Guinea Pigs (3+ posts a day, only allowed to rehome if in MN)
- Guinea pigs for adoption (4+ posts a day, can ask fee)
- Minnesota Pocket Pet Rescue (mnpocketpetrescue.org) Rescue for all rodent species Best Rat/Rodent Resource
- Last Resort Reptiles Minnesota (lastresortreptiles.wixsite.com) Rescue almost all reptiles Best Reptile Rescue
- Golden Valley Humane Society (animalhumanesociety.org) Rescue for small mammals INCLUDING RATS, HAMSTERS, RABBITS, and GUINEA PIGS
- Coon Rapids Humane Society (animalhumanesociety.org) Rescue for small mammals INCLUDING RATS, HAMSTERS, RABBITS, and GUINEA PIGS
- Woodbury Humane Society (animalhumanesociety.org) Rescue for small mammals INCLUDING RATS, HAMSTERS, RABBITS, and GUINEA PIGS
- Northshore Humane Society (northshorehumane.org) Rescues dogs, and cats Best Dog/Cat Rescue non-profit, no-kill animal rescue
Vet References:
- Cedar Pet Clinic in Lake Elmo. cedarpetclinic.com (651) 770-3250 Take all animals including birds, hamsters, hedgehogs, cats, horses, goats, etc. reliable with surgeries, expensive #1 top staff favortite
- Homey Gnome Veterinary Clinic in Oakdale. homeygnomevet.com (651) 202-3388 Take mammals and reptiles, no livestock very knowledgeable+reliable with surgeries, affordable #2 top staff favortite
- Paws and Claws Veterinary Clinic in Maple Grove. pawsandclawspethospital.com (763) 420-9711 Take Mammals and reptiles, no livestock, with very basic level knowledge on reptiles and small animals, affordable
- Blue Sky animal Hospital in Wyoming. blueskyanimal.com (651) 462-7387 Take Dogs and Cats very knowledgeable+reliable with surgeries, affordable
24 Hour Emergency Vets:
- Como Park Animal Hospital in Saint Paul. www.comoparkanimalhospital.com (651) 487-3255 Take almost all animals including birds, and hamsters, unsure on livestock. Do multiple surgeries daily with lifesaving care, very expensive
- Animal Emergency Referral in Saint Paul. https://aercmn.com/ (651) 501-3766 OR (651) 293-1800 Take mammals and reptiles,no livestock, but can also refer to other 24 hour emergency vets Do multiple surgeries daily with lifesaving care, expensive