Freshwater New Arrivals

New fish for the week of 10/15/18!

Skunk Botia
Sunshine Peacock
Hairy Shrimp
Celestial Pearl Danio
Crystal Red Shrimp
Parrot Body Texas Cichlid
Show Grade Ranchu
Red Cap Oranda
Red & Black Oranda Goldfish
Assorted Peacock Cichlid
Red Peacock Cichlid
OB Peacock Cichlid
Telescope Eye Red Cap Oranda
Panda Goldfish
Congo Tetra
Mixed Apple Snail

Freshwater New Arrivals

Here are the new fish we received last week 10/9/18

Blood Red Parrot Cichlid
Male Odessa Barb
Rosy Neon Barb
Pea Puffer
African Dwarf Frog
Angel Veil Ram
Brilliant Rummy Nose Tetra
Rummy Nose Tetra
Cardinal Tetra
Chocolate Cherry Shrimp
Blue Velvet Shrimp
Black Ghost Knife
Marble Hatchet
Fire Eel (1 large one)
Red Tail Catfish
Marlboro Yellow Discus
Pigeon Blood Discus
Marlboro Red Discus
Panther Crab
Royal Pleco (L191)
Spotted Sailfin Pleco (L001)
Mixed Sailfin Molly
White Cloud Minnow
Black Mollies
Albino Clawed Frog
Whisker Shrimp