New Arrivals Saltwater

Saltwater Saturday 1/29/22

Missed our last few weeks of saltwater arrivals? Don’t worry about a Tang! 😉 Here are some snapshots. Full list of this week’s newcomers below.

Dwarf Zebra Lionfish
Pearscale Butterfly
Japanese Swallowtail Angel
Bicolor Angel
Coral Beauty
Powder Brown Tang
Sailfin Tang
Scopas Tang
Twistii Wrasse
Social Fairy Wrasse
Melanarus Wrasse
Carpenter Fairy Wrasse (M)
Checkerboard Wrasse
Falco Hawkfish
Ruby Red Dragonet
Blue Gudgeon
Hectors Goby
Diamond Goby
Lawnmower Blenny
Royal Gramma

Green Long Tentacle Anemone
Pink Tip Condylactis Anemone
White Starfish
Banded Serpent Starfish
Sand Tiger Conch
Mexican Turbo Snail
Nassarius Snail
Black Foot Trochus Snail
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Cherry Red Pistol Shrimp
Fire Shrimp
Red Leg Hermit Crab
Halloween Hermit Crab
Blue Leg Hermit Crab

Freshwater New Arrivals

New Fish Friday 1/28/22

Big and small, we have some mighty fine fish in for New Fish Friday, from Barracuda to Black Neon Tetra. Check out the full list of freshwater arrivals below.

Redtail Barracuda

Orinocensis Peacock Bass
Geophagus Balzanii
Albino Heckelii

White Skirt Tetra
Black Neon Tetra
Electric Green Glo Tetra
Sunburst Orange Glo Tetra
Galactic Purple Glo Tetra
Cosmic Blue Glo Tetra
Red Vampire Swordtail

Panda Garra
Bumblebee Catfish
Pictus Catfish
Clown Pleco
Bushynose Pleco
Panda Cory
Green Brochis Cory
Habrosus Cory

New Arrivals Saltwater

Saltwater Saturday 1/22/22

Snagging unique invertebrates and corals can really help your reef aquarium pop! An added bonus? Most invertebrates like our newly arrived Reef Abalone and Fighting Conch have qualities that add to aquarium health, such as eating algae or aerating substrate. Full list of saltwater arrivals below.

Klein’s Blue Head Butterfly
Blue Lined Rabbitfish
Convict Tang
Powder Brown Tang
Half Black Chocolate Tang
Sailfin Tang
Coral Beauty
Green Clown Goby
Firefish Goby
Orange Spot Prawn Goby
Yellow Watchman Goby
Flagtail Prawn Goby
Red Fairy Wrasse
Sixline Wrasse
Melanarus Wrasse
Royal Gramma
Beau Gregory Damsel
Talboti Damsel
Algae Eating Blenny

Reef Abalone
Fighting Conch
Blue Leg Hermit Crab
Green Long Tentacle Anemone

Green/Purple Hairy Mushroom Colony
Christmas Tree Worm Rock
Forest Fire Clove Polyps

Freshwater New Arrivals

New Fish Friday 1/21/22

Cold getting to you? 🥶 Get warmed up by coming in and checking out our new freshwater arrivals! Full list below.

Blue Cobalt Zebra
Red Zebra
Yellow Lab
Albino Socolofi

Hemiodus Gracilis
Dwarf Neon Praecox Rainbow
Assorted Male Rainbow Fish
Giant Danio
Albino Rainbow Shark
Redtail Black Shark
Tiger Barb
Albino Black Neon Tetra
Glowlight Tetra
Neon Tetra
Assorted Fancy Guppy
Common Guppy

Brown Bushynose Pleco
Albino Bushynose Pleco
Red Kuhli Loach

Ghost Shrimp

New Arrivals Saltwater

Saltwater Saturday 1/15/22

This week’s saltwater arrivals are electric! Literally. As can be seen below, the Electric Flame Scallop shoots bright blue-white electricity across its mantel, creating quite the light show. It is thought that this fascinating trait is to help draw in its primary food, plankton. It may also be used as a warning to predators. Full list of saltwater arrivals below.

Fu Manchu Lionfish
Eibli Angel
Kole Tang
Yellow Fin Tang
Bicolor Goatfish
Valentini Puffer
Squamipinnis Anthias (M)
Psychedelic Dragonet
Green Mandarin Dragonet
Melanarus Wrasse
Tail Spot Blenny
Blue Spot Jawfish
Antenna Goby
Banded Shrimp Goby
Diamond Goby
Melanesian Blue Damsel
Talbots Damsel

Electric Flame Scallop
Anemone Crab
Emerald Crab
Sexy Shrimp
Harlequin Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Blue Tuxedo Urchin
Halloween Urchin
Orange Linkia Starfish
Chocolate Chip Starfish
Blue Linkia Starfish
Tiger Cowry
Nassarius Snail
Black Foot Trochus Snail
Pink Tip Condylactis Anemone

Freshwater New Arrivals

New Fish Friday 1/14/22

Our freshwater arrivals are so excited about New Fish Friday, they laid eggs! Which one of these Cory Catfish do you think are the parents? Full list of arrivals below.

As shown here, some fish produce adhesive eggs that will stick to plant-life and rocks. This helps protect the eggs by keeping them in place, often in good hiding places! One of the biggest threats to eggs besides hungry tankmates? Fungus! Separating eggs from hungry tankmates and keeping pristine water conditions are two key components of fish egg care.

Albino Senegalus Bicher

OB Peacock
Parachromis Managuense “Jaguar Cichlid”
Silver Angels
Marble Angels
Gold Angels
Assorted Medium Angels

Dwarf Honey Gourami
Royal Blue & Red Neon Dwarf Gourami (M)
Albino Tiger Barb
Ember Tetra
Diamond Neon Tetra
Candycane Tetra (Hy511 Tetra)
Cardinal Tetra
Assorted Lyretail Balloon Molly
Assorted Platy

Jumbo Albino Cory
Albino Cory
Paleatus Cory
Sterbai Cory
Red Venezuelan Cory

New Arrivals Saltwater

Saltwater Saturday 1/8/22

We may have been closed the last few Saltwater Saturdays, but that means we have a plethora of exciting new stock to announce! We’ve been getting some show-stopping corals and a nice variety of fish and invertebrates. Check out the full list of arrivals below!

Blue Eye Bristletooth Tang
Scopas Tang
Naso Tang
Powder Brown Tang
Ruby Red Dragonet
Orange Axil Wrasse
Melanarus Wrasse
Cleaner Wrasse
Checkerboard Wrasse
Blue Side Fairy Wrasse
Strawberry Pseudochromis
Wheelers Prawn Goby
Diamond Goby
Ceram Lawnmower Blenny
Blue Damsel
Green Chromis

Green Long Tentacle Anemone
Pink Tip Condylactis Anemone
Pink and White Featherduster
Sea Hare
Tiger Cowry
Tropical Abalone Snail
Cerith Snail
Mexican Turbo Snail
Arrow Crab
Red Leg Hermit Crab
Blue Leg Hermit Crab
Emerald Crab
Pom Pom Crab
Harlequin Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp

Miscellaneous variety!