New Arrivals Plants

New plants! 02/29/24

This day might come once every four years, but our plants are great everyday. New this week, Java Fern Sunrise and Thors Hammer. These broad leaf Ferns are an eye catching light green and easy to grow. Aponogeton Longiplumulosus is as big as it’s name with dark crinkly leaves to fill your aquarium. Stop in and check out our large selection of aquatic plants!

Anubias Coffeefolia
Anubias Frazeri
Anubias Nana
Aponogeton Longiplumulosus
Dwarf Red Parrot Feather
Hygro Blue
Hygro Willow
Lloydiella Golden
Ludwigia Cuba
Ludwigia Super Red Mini
Parrot Feather
Pogostemon Stellatus Narrowleaf
Scarlet Temple
Dwarf Hairgrass (mat)
Crypt Costata
Crypt Mi Oya
Crypt Wendtii Red
Bolbitis Mini
Java Fern Narrow Leaf
Java Fern Narrow Leaf Mat
Java Fern
Water Sprite
Water Sprite Indian Fern
Java Moss
Microsorium Sunrise
Microsorium Thors Hammer
Willow Moss
Narrow Leaf Sagittaria
Amazon Sword
Italian Vallisneria
Jungle Vallisneria

Cardinal Plant
Anubias Congensis
Creeping Rush
Dwarf Baby Tears
Dwarf Four Leaf Clover
Dwarf Hairgrass
Giant Hairgrass
Mint Charlie
Ludiwgia Ovalis
Pear Weed
Pennywort Brazilian
Red Flame Sword
Ruffle Sword
Staurogyne Repens
Crypt Wendtii Red

New Arrivals Saltwater

Saltwater Saturday 02/24/2024

Saltwater Saturday 02/24/2024

Saltwater News:

The saltwater AC unit had an electrical malfunction, which made our frag tanks too hot. We are working our hardest to get this electrical issue resolved, while we are utilizing a temporary mini AC unit. A ton of the corals are already making a wonderful recovery. Thank you for your continued support as we make it through this mishap. 

Newest Arrivals listed below.

Sixline Wrasse
Yellow Coris Wrasse
Pintail Fairy Wrasse (Male)
McCoskers Fairy Wrasse (Male)
Blue Eye Bristletooth Tang
Powder Brown Tang
Diamond Goby
Yellow Watchman Goby
Antenna Goby
Yellow Clown Goby
Pink an dBlue Spot Watchman Goby
Wards Sleeper Goby
Green Mandarin Dragonet

Sexy Shrimp
Candy Can Pistol Shrimp
Tiger Pistol Shrimp
Purple Pincushion Urchin
Blackfoot Trochus Snail
Astrea Snail

Bonsai Acropora XL Frag
Orange Pavona XL Frag
Fiji Lanvendar Mushroom
Florida Ricordea
Micromussa Lord Frag
War Coral

Freshwater New Arrivals

Freshwater Friday 02/23/2024

Freshwater Friday 02/23/2024

Galaxy Rasbora, Panther Crab, and Bamboo Shrimp!

This week’s freshwater list contains a lot of highly requested aquatics. There are also new Bettas, Leichardtii Arowana, Albino Silver Arowana, and even more Praecox Rainbows. Get these while supplies last!

All our latest arrivals are listed below

Albino Silver Arowana
Leichardtii Arowana

Rummynose Tetra
Galaxy Rasbora
Praecox Rainbow
Roseline Shark
Neon Tetra
Cardinal Tetra (Tank Raised)

Crowntail Betta
Koi Plakat Betta (Female)
Assorted Betta (Female)

Assorted Nerite Snails
Bamboo Shrimp
Panther Crab

Sterbai Cory
Jullii Cory

New Arrivals Plants

New plants! 02/22/24

The weather might be nice but this plant order is GREAT! Stemed, rhizomes, or floating, we have it all. The Anubias Hostifolias are nearly a foot tall and are a great way to add some height to your aquascape. Need something to soak up all that light? Check out our Salvinia, this floater loves light and calmer waters. Don’t forget about the hardscape. We’ve got plenty of unique wood pieces to match your tank all around the shop.

Anubias Barteri
Anubias Coffeefolia
Anubias Congensis
Anubias Frazeri
Anubias Hastifolia
Anubias Nana Golden
Aponogeton Crispus
Hygro Blue
Hygro Willow
Lloydiella Golden
Ludwigia Cuba
Ludwigia Super Red Mini
Pogostemon Stellatus Narrowleaf
Rotala Macandra
Crypt Balansae
Crypt Costata
Crypt Lucens
Crypt Spiralis
Java Fern
Java Fern Narrow Leaf
Java Fern Trident
Java Fern Windelov
Water Sprite Indian Fern
Water Sprite Laceleaf
Guppy Grass
Dwarf Sagittaria
Narrowleaf Sagittaria
Salvinia Rotundifolia
Amazon Sword
Italian Vallisneria
Jungle Vallisneria

Cardinal Plant
Creeping Rush
Dwarf Four Leaf Clover
Dwarf Hairgrass
Hydrocotyle Japan
Monte Carlo
Anubias Nana Petite
Ludwigia Ovalis
Pearl Weed
Tiger Lotus
Vesuvius Sword

New Arrivals Saltwater

Saltwater Saturday 02/17/2024

Saltwater Saturday 02/17/2024

From old and new, here comes our weekly top picks. Bring the family and play some I-spy with this weeks newest arrivals. Find the full list below.

Coral Beauty
Royal Gramma
Baggai Cardinal
Kupang Damsel
Diamond Goby
Orange Firefish Goby
Green Clown Goby
Sixline Wrasse
Melanarus Wrasse

Mexican Turbo Snail
Nassarius Snail
Astrea Snail
Porcelain Crab
Arrow Crab
Red Thorny Star
Bali Orange Star
Orange Fromia Star
Blue Tuxedo Urchin
Red Tuxedo Urchin

Freshwater New Arrivals

Freshwater Friday 02/16/2024

Freshwater Friday 02/16/2024

The Lima Shovel Nose has made an entrance!

Get ready for cuteness overload as we unpack our latest shipment full of adorably tiny new arrivals, including Amazon Pufferfish. They’re fun, friendly, and incredibly unique; it’s no wonder why we’ve missed them so much! Come watch some cute aquatics swim their way into your hearts.

Amazon Puffer

Assorted Baby Angelfish
Red Melon Discus

Myersi Pygmy Hatchet

Blue Dream

Leptodoras acipenserinus” Sturgeon Cat”
Leiarus marmoratus “Marble Sailfin Cat”
Otocinclus affinis
Otocinclus cocama “Zebra Otocinclus”
Lima Shovelnose Catfish

New Arrivals Plants

New plants! 02/15/24

Calling all nano tankers, perfect plants in stock! Mini Bolbitis couldn’t be a better choice for those smaller aquariums while Anubias Nana Golden gives life to a piece of rock or wood. Both these plants are easy to grow with soft to moderate lighting and love being the sidekick to any hardscape. Don’t forget to check out these awesome Java Fern Tridents. They don’t appear often, get them while they last.

Anubias Coffeefolia
Anubias Congensis
Anubias Nana Golden
Banana Plant
Bolbitis Mini
Crypt Costata
Hygro Willow
Italian Vallisneria
Java Fern
Java Fern Narrow Leaf
Java Fern Trident
Java Moss
Jungle Vallisneria
Limno Hippuridoides
Lloydiella Golden
Ludwigia Cuba
Ludwigia Ovalis
Ludwigig Super Red Mini
Narrowleaf Sagittaria
Pogostemon Stellatus Narrowleaf
Water Sprite Indian Fern
Water Sprite Laceleaf

Cardinal Plant
Dwarf Baby Tears
Dwarf Four Leaf Clover
Hydrocotyle Japan
Monte Carlo
Pear Weed
Tiger Lotus

New Arrivals Saltwater

Saltwater Saturday 02/10/2024

Saltwater Saturday 02/10/2024

We have 20 new arrivals this week! These range from Matted Filefish, Foxface, and Yellow Fin Flasher Wrasse to Sexy Shrimp, Peppermint Shrimp, and Pom Pom Crabs. Check out the whole list below.

Coral Beauty
Kleini Butterfly
Lawnmower Blenny
Matted Filefish
Diamond Goby
Firefish Goby Orange
Yellow Watchman Goby
Orange Spot Prawn Goby
Firefish Goby Purple
Green Mandarin Dragonet
Yellow Fin Flasher Wrasse

Emerald Crab
Pom Pom Crab
Peppermint Shrimp
Fire Shrimp
Sexy Shrimp
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Mexican Turbo Snail
Astrea Snail

Freshwater New Arrivals

Freshwater Friday 02/09/2024

Freshwater Friday 02/09/2024

Nothing compares to sitting in front of an aquarium after a long day. The feeling you get watching your hard work come to life is what makes this hobby so personal. Each tank has a unique ecosystem and sometimes challenges, but every adventure is gratifying. If you need advice with picking out your next aquarium endeavor, stop by and chat through some possibilities for the future. Have a wonderful Freshwater Friday.

No new freshwater shipments this week

New Arrivals Plants

New plants! 02/08/24

Our plant order is short and sweet this week but these plants are looking amazing! New this week, Ludwigia Dark Red. This stem plant is a quick grower with a perfect splash of color. Ludwigia Dark Red thrives in higher light tanks with nutrient rich substrate.

Anubias Coffeefolia
Anubais Hastifolia
Anubias Lanceolata
Aponogeton Ulvaceus
Ludwigia Dark Red
Ludwigia Ovalis
Pogostemon Stellatus Narrowleaf
Rotala Red
Rotala Vietnam H’Ra
Crypt Costata
Crypt Lucens
Crypt Wendtii Brown
Water Sprite Indian Fern
Watre Sprite Laceleaf
Dwarf Sagittaria
Amazon Sword
Red Flame Melon Sword
Sparkle Sword
Italian Vallisneria

Creeping Rush
Dwarf Baby Tears
Mint Charlie
Pearl Weed
Crypt Undulata