Seeing blue? When we get new fish we like to preemptively treat to ensure the health of newcomers as they settle in. Curious about this week’s arrivals? Watch the video for some live action sneak peeks and check out the full list below.
CICHLIDS Bi-Color Maulana Peacock Hap Moori Acei Kenyi Albino Socolofi Pearl Zebra Red Zebra Yellow Lab Black Ram
COMMUNITY Pearl Leeri Gourami Rainbow Shark Serpae Tetra Common Guppy
CATFISH / LOACHES / PLECOS Synodontis Angelicus X Eupterus Synodontis Eupterus Brown Bushynose Albino Bushynose Red Bushynose
Nice-sized Royal Grammas in this week, as well as some fish that are harder to come by like the Yellow Anthias. Other great arrivals include the Royal Flasher Wrasse, Green Caribbean Filefish, and more! Featured here are some of these arrivals and some stunning clownfish pairs. Full list of saltwater arrivals below.
SALTWATER FISH Bicolor Angel Coral Beauty Yellow Anthias Royal Flasher Wrasse Cleaner Wrasse Longnose Hawkfish Wheelers Prawn Goby Antenna Goby Green Caribbean Filefish Green Chromis Royal Gramma Squamipinnis Anthias (M)
INVERTEBRATES Green Mantis Shrimp Skunk Cleaner Shrimp Pistol Shrimp Peppermint Shrimp Black Foot Trochus Snail Emerald Crab Red Leg Hermit
The variety of freshwater arrivals this week is exciting, to say the least! Muskie, Walleye, Arowana, Discus, an array of cleanup crew, and much more! Check out the full list below.
TR = Tank-Raised
GAMEFISH Walleye Perch Bass Tiger Muskie
ODDBALL Albino Silver Arowana Silver Arowana Black Bar Silver Dollar Red Tail Tinfoil Barb Silver Hujeta Gar
CICHLIDS Black Widow Frontosa Assorted Discus Assorted Oscar Blood Parrot Electric Blue Acara Golden Balloon Ram
COMMUNITY Roseline Shark (TR) Five Banded Pentazona Barb Dwarf Maculatus Rasbora Cardinal Tetra (TR) Rummy Nose Tetra (TR) Full Black Fancy Guppy Assorted Guppy (M & F) Assorted Sailfin Molly
CATFISH / LOACHES / PLECOS Melanistus Cory Golden Barbatus Cory Panda Cory Pygmy Cory (TR) Hoplo Catfish Panama Farlowella Catfish (TR) Otocinclus Catfish Clown Loach Burmese Border Botia Borneo Sucker Loach Flying Fox Panda Garra L190 Royal Pleco L001 Spotted Sailfin Pleco
GOLDFISH Assorted Oranda
BETTAS Koi Betta (F)
INVERTEBRATES Panther Crab Red Cherry Shrimp Orange Shrimp Red Fire Shrimp Ghost Shrimp Blackworms
CICHLIDS Crenicicla Lugubris red “Atabapo Red Pike” Blue Ram (Wild Caught) Electric Blue Ram
COMMUNITY Peacock Gudgeon White Skirt Tetra Electric Green GLO Tetra Sunburst Orange GLO Tetra Galactic Purple GLO Tetra Cosmic Blue GLO Tetra Starfire Red GLO Tetra Assorted Swordtail
GOLDFISH American Fantail Black Moor Calico Fantail Sarasa Comet
Talk about fireworks! 🎆 Meet our newly arrived Black Volitan Lionfish (and his friend Porcupine Puffer). Known for their venomous spines, these larger lionfish (12-15″ max.) are actually quite peaceful. Other large, slow moving fish tend to make good tankmates (definitely no snack size, as these are predators afterall). A few other dazzlers arrived this week, check out the full list below.
SALTWATER FISH Black Volitan Lionfish Porcupine Puffer Blue Jaw Trigger Metallic Foxface Powder Brown Tang Sailfin Tang Chocolate Yellow Tang Lemonpeel Angel Cherub Pygmy Angel Longnose Hawkfish Arc Eye Hawkfish Green Mandarin Dragonet Orange Firefish Goby Banggai Cardinal Royal Gramma
INVERTEBRATES Sexy Shrimp Blue Leg Pistol Shrimp Blue Leg Hermit Crab