What is this mysterious, mustached creature? 🧐 The Bicolor Goatfish! These fish are certain to add some liveliness to the saltwater aquarium, using its mustache-like barbels to sift through the substrate and find food such as small invertebrates. Full list of saltwater arrivals below.
SALTWATER FISH Melanarus Wrasse Green Coris Wrasse Bicolor Goatfish Pink and Blue Spot Watchman Goby Green Mandarin Dragonet Lawnmower Blenny Coral Beauty
INVERTEBRATES Green Long Tentacle Anemone Green Bubble Anemone Blue Tuxedo Urchin Red Tuxedo Urchin Skunk Cleaner Shrimp Tiger Pistol Shrimp Mexican Turbo Snail
Pond season is just around the corner! (Hopefully? 🥶) We are stocking up and can’t wait to share our upcoming pond changes with you. In the meantime, check out these Grade A Koi and know more will be available soon. Plenty of goldfish currently available, too. Full list of freshwater arrivals below.
TR = Tank-raised
ODDBALL Moray Snowflake Eel (Brackish)
CICHLIDS Kaiser Ikola I Tropheus Short Body Flowerhorn Gold Red Streak Severum Assorted Oscar
COMMUNITY Maccullochi Rainbow “Skull Creek” Roseline Shark Blue Gourami Gold Gourami Pearl Gourami Platinum Green Tiger Barb Congo Tetra Emperor Kerri Tetra Black Phantom Tetra HY511 White Fin Tetra Cardinal Tetra Purple Harlequin Rasbora Assorted Sailfin Molly Assorted Platy Assorted Hifin Platy Panda Guppy (M) French Blue Star Endler (M) El Silverado Endler (M) Albino Blue Tuxedo Ribbon Guppy Albino Endler Double Swords Kohaku Swordtail
CATFISH / LOACHES / PLECOS Clown Loach Sumatra Kuhli Loach Red Lizard Catfish CW010 Gold Laser Cory (TR) Hifin Paleatus Cory L471 White Spotted Dwarf Pleco (TR)
GOLDFISH & KOI Assorted Grade A Import Butterfly Koi Tricolor Oranda
INVERTEBRATES Gold Back Yellow Shrimp Blue Velvet Shrimp ‘Grade A’ Fire Red Cherry Shrimp Ghost Shrimp Japanese Trapdoor Snail Assorted Tiger Snail Assorted Zebra Snail Blackworms
Expect to be amused by the unexpected in a saltwater tank, like this Sand Tiger Conch (cleaning and aerating are additional perks of these wonders 😁). Who knew such an elephant trunk could exist right in your aquarium!? Full list of saltwater arrivals below.
SALTWATER FISH Chocolate Yellow Tang Tomato Clown Clarki Clown Ruby Red Dragonet Blue Spot Watchman Goby Diamond Goby
Axolotls are here! Yes, you heard that right. These are going to go like hotcakes, so if you’re interested come in ASAP. Other exciting arrivals include Fahaka Puffers and Crowntail Koi Female Bettas. Full list of freshwater arrivals below.
TR = Tank-raised
ODDBALL Axolotl Fahaka Puffer (TR)
CICHLIDS Kribensis
COMMUNITY Red Neon Blue Eye Rainbowfish Kyathit Danio Red Beckford’s Pencilfish
CATFISH / LOACHES / PLECOS Chinese Algae Eater Gold Chinese Algae Eater
GOLDFISH & KOI Pearlscale Goldfish Assorted A Grade Import Koi
Life rock. The Legos for adults (with reef tanks). Plop these bad boys into your tank and you have yourself some beautiful live rock. Full list of saltwater arrivals below.
INVERTEBRATES Green Long Tentacle Anemone Pink Tip Condylactis Anemone White Starfish Frilly Sea Hare Berghia Nudibranch (Eats Aiptasia!) Blue Leg Pistol Shrimp Blue Leg Hermit Crab Emerald Crab
If you think Elephant Nose are neat, check out our newly arrived Double Trunk Elephant Nose! Endlicheri Bichir, Amazon Puffer, and Black Ghost Knife are some of our other favorites this week. Many requested fish have also arrived, including Celestial Pearl Danios, Killifish, Siamese Algae Eaters, and Electric Blue Rams! Full list of freshwater arrivals below.
TR = Tank-raised
ODDBALL Silver Arowana Amazon Puffer Endlicheri Bichir Double Trunk Elephant Nose (TR) Black Ghost Knife African Clawed Frog
CICHLIDS Stomatepia pindu Pseudotropheus flavus Pseudotropheus johanni Big Head Cherry Flowerhorn Blood Red Parrot Assorted Discus Electric Blue Acara Electric Blue Ram
COMMUNITY Norman’s Lampeye Killifish Clown Killifish Celestial Pearl Danio Chili Red Rasbora Harlequin Rasbora Neon Tetra Assorted Dwarf Gourami (M)
CATFISH / LOACHES / PLECOS Yo Yo Botia Siamese Algae Eater Sewellia Lineolata “Reticulated Hillstream Loach” Albino Sailfin Plecostomus
Some SW beauties in this week! Check out these happy campers.Full list of saltwater arrivals below.
SALTWATER FISH Social Fairy Wrasse Carpenter Fairy Wrasse (M) Coral Beauty Red Tail Filefish Green Mandarin Dragonet Flagtail Prawn Goby Diamond Goby Gold Midas Blenny Blue Midas Blenny Royal Gramma
Fire eels are in as well as some high demand community fish, cichlids, inverts, goldfish, and plants! Full list of freshwater arrivals below.
CICHLIDS Acei Kenyi Red Zebra Albino Socolofi Gold Tropheops Pearl Zebra Blue Cobalt Zebra Yellow Sunshine Peacock Kelberi Peacock Bass Red Tiger Motaguense Bulgarian Green Seal Point Angelfish Black Ram
COMMUNITY Assorted Rainbow Fish (M) Goyder River Rainbow (M & F) Parkinsoni Rainbow Fish (M & F) Crimson Spot Rainbow Fish (M & F) Orange Sparkled Medaka Ricefish Flag Fish Assorted Long Fin Danio Diamond Tetra Colombian Tetra Penguin Tetra Longfin White Skirt Tetra Albino Pristella Tetra Platinum Rummynose Tetra Ember Tetra Cardinal Tetra (TR) Neon Tetra Jumbo Neon Tetra Black Neon Tetra Electric Green GLO Tetra Moonrise Pink GLO Tetra Sunburst Orange GLO Tetra Galactic Purple GLO Tetra Starfire Red GLO Tetra Red Firecracker Swordtail Blue Dragon Guppy (M & F) Common Guppy
Coral sellout! 💥We are preparing for our monthly shipment of new corals, so that means we are slashing prices across our reef tanks to make room. Hurry in because this sale ends Tuesday! Full list of new saltwater arrivals below.
SALTWATER FISH Kole Tang Regal Angel Coral Beauty Talboti Damsel Six Line Wrasse Melanarus Wrasse Five Stripe Wrasse Royal Gramma Orange Firefish Goby Green Clown Goby Diamond Goby Ceram Lawnmower Blenny
INVERTEBRATES Coral Banded Shrimp Feather Duster Pink Tip Condylactis Anemone Reef Abalone Cortez Red Leg Hermit Crab Halloween Hermit Crab Peppermint Shrimp