Saltwater Saturday 09/14/2024
No new saltwater this week, but make sure to check back next Saturday for all the latest additions.
No new saltwater this week, but make sure to check back next Saturday for all the latest additions.
Basic restock for this Saltwater Saturday.
This week, we received mostly Gobies and Blennies such as Starry Blennies, Citron Gobies, Tail Spot Blennies, and Hectors Gobies. Although, the saltwater department also has quite a few different anemones for sale.
Check out all the latest arrivals below
Tail Spot Blenny
Starry Blenny (Medium)
Starry Blenny (Small)
Kleini Butterfly (Small)
Citron Goby
Neon Caribbean Goby
Yellow Watchman Goby (Small)
Dot Dash Blenny (Medium)
Hectors Goby
Pink Tip Condylactis Anemone
Green Bubble Anemone
Feast on the latest drop of aquatics, which includes Banana Wrasse, Psychedelic Dragonet, and Squamipinnis Anthias.
The latest arrivals are listed below
Squamipinnis Anthias (Female)
Dispar Anthias (Medium)
Banggai Cardinal (Small)
Purple Firefish Goby
Green Mandarin Dragonet (Large)
Psychedelic Dragonet (Small)
Yellow Watchman Goby (Small)
Orange Shoulder Tang (Small)
Banana Wrasse (Small)
Carpenter Fairy Wrasse (Male)
Yellow Band Possum Wrasse
Blue Leg Pistol Shrimp
Emerald Crab
Pitho Crab
Scarlet Hermit Crab
Blue Leg Hermit Crab
Astrea Snail
Black Foot Trochus Snail
Halloween Urchin
Green Polyp Sarcophyton Leather
Red/Orange Cyphastrea Frag
Neon Green Branching Hammer
Solomon Island Chalice
Ghost Shrimp
We got wrasse!
Pink wrasse, yellow wrasse, orange wrasse, and even a few blues. There is no need to get that wrasse anywhere else because we got you! Prepare to fall in love at first sight when you see the perfect one. We got your wrasse covered.
Check out the latest arrivals below.
Royal Gramma
Wards Sleeper Goby
McCoskers Fairy Wrasse (Male)
Cleaner Wrasse
Sixline Wrasse
Solar Fairy Wrasse
Yellow Coris Wrasse (Small)
Yellow Coris Wrasse (Medium)
Rainbow Bubble Tip Anemones (Locally Sourced)
Sexy Shrimp
Arrow Crab
Fiji Turbo Snail
Ghost Shrimp
Welcome to the coral corral, where we have what you need!
Here you can find frags of all sorts to give you the *pazaz* you’re missing in your life.
We’re stepping up the saltwater room this week with some brilliantly beautiful arrivals. Maybe we’re just giant fans of bold-colored aquatics, but there’s no denying the aroura of tints and tones in these tanks. Work your way down to gander at our baby pink wrasses, the emerald green crabs, and the awe-inspiring colors of our many Mandarin Dragonets. Don’t get stuck in the stars, swoop on down to the sandbed and enjoy a relaxing day at Forest Lake Pets.
Newest arrivals are listed below
Coral Beauty
Dot Dash Blenny
Lawnmower Blenny
Raffles Butterfly
Wild Ocellaris Clown
Purple Firefish Goby
Blue Tang (extra small)
Orange Belly Blue Tang (extra small)
Arrow Crab
Halloween Hermit Crab
Red Leg Hermit Crab
Assorted Bristle Starfish
Crimson Knob Starfish
Red Thorny Starfish
Nasssarius Snail
Purple/Green Bubble Tip Anemone
Purple Base/Pink Bubble Tip Anemone
Fiji Ultra Zoanthid Colony
Did you know there are pet cucumbers?
You heard that right. This wee lad is called a Sand Sifting Cucumber, and it helps keep tanks clean by eating algae, detritus, and other organic waste matter. If you’re looking for something more electric, take a peek at the new Electric Flame Scallops! They have absorbent and reflective tissues that look like their mouths are beaming with electricity. We also received a Desjardini Sailfin Tang, a Stars and Stripes Puffer, and a Caribbean Sunshine Chromis.
Check out all the newest arrivals below
Steinitzi Shrimp Goby
Yellow Watchman Goby
Citron Goby
Diamond Goby
Rainfords Goby
Stars and Stripes Puffer
Bicolor Blenny
Starry Blenny
Tail Spot Blenny
Caribbean Flame Cardinal
Caribbean Sunshine Chromis
Green Mandarin Dragonet
Matted Filefish
Blue Tang
Desjardini Sailfin Tang
Melanarus Wrasse
Blue Leg Pistol Shrimp
Cherry Red Pistol Shrimp
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Arrow Crab
Emerald Crab
Red Leg Hermit Crab
Scarlet Hermit Crab
Sand Sifting Cucumber
Pink Tip Condylactis Anemone
Electric Flame Scallop
Orange Fromia Star
White Sand Sifting Starfish
Bumble Bee Snail
Are you itching for urchin?
Just look at these adorable little pincushions! There are new Red Tuxedo Urchins, Blue Tuxedo Urchins, and a Purple Pincushion Urchin, as well as a few other urchin species from previous shipments. The saltwater department also restocked popular choices such as a Xmas Island Flame Angel, Ruby Red Dragonet, and Camel Shrimp.
Move on over to our list below to see all the latest arrivals.
Regal Angel
Xmas Island Flame Angel
Chalk Basslet
Tail Spot Blenny
Wild Ocellaris Clownfish
Green Chromis
Ruby Red Dragonet
Lawnmower Blenny
Hectors Goby
Yellow Clown Goby
Blue Eyed Bristletooth Tang
Shrimp Peppermint
Shrimp Camel
Red Tuxedo Urchin
Blue Tuxedo Urchin
Purple Pincushion Urchin
Emerald Crab
Black Foot Trochus Snail
Snail Turbo Tropical
Snail Nassarius
Please enjoy these pictures we took of our saltwater aquatics, as we did not receive any new arrivals this week.
Take a quick peek at this week’s top coral picks