Roundtail Betta Male
Crowntail Betta Male
Albino Silver Arowana
Ocellaris Peacock Bass
Albino Black Shark
Horseface Loach
Ocellaris Peacock Bass
Black Thai Oranda
Small Line Datnoid
Rummynose Tetra
Blind Cave Tetra
Roseline Shark
Black Ghost Knife
Albino Bichir
Chinese Panther Crab
Red Eye Lyretail Swordtail
Large Peacock Bass
Sakura Ryukin Goldfish
Black Demekin Goldfish
Tri-color Ghost Lobster
Fire Ball Lobster
Red Honey Gourami
Longfin Oscar
Algae Eating Shrimp
Snow White Discus
Albino Heckelii
Albino Sailfin Pleco
Five Banded Barb
Male Odessa Bar
Red Sailfin Molly
Flower Shrimp
Gold Back Yellow Fire Shrimp
Mixed Tiger & Zebra Snail
Golden Shark
Month: July 2018
New Fish 7/18/18:
Red Flame Dwarf Gourami (Male)
Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami (Male)
Dwarf Gourami (Male)
Red Flame Dwarf Gourami (Female)
Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami (Female)
Dwarf Gourami (Female)
Retroculus lapidifer
Corydoras hastatus
Corydoras pymagaeus
Marble Hoplo Cat (TR)
Common Colombian Otocinclus
Otothyropsis piribebuy “Otocinclus Niger”
Worm Line Peckoltia L135
Microsynodontis sp. “Dwarf Bumble Bee”
Hyalobagrus flavus “Malayan Yellow Pygmy Cat”
Cardinal Tetra (WILD)
Bleeding Heart Tetra
Flameback Bleeding Heart Tetra
Rummynose Tetra (WILD)
Marble Hatchet Fish (WILD)
Hemigrammopetersius caudalis “Yellow Congo Tetra”
Garra flavatra “Panda Garra” (TR)
Longfin White Cloud
Osphronemus laticlavius “Red Giant Gourami”
Microtenopoma ansorgii “Ornate Bushfish”
Male Guppy
Panda Guppy
Female Guppy
Assorted Platy
Moringua raitaborua “Purple Spaghetti Eel”
Tetraodon miurus “Red-brown Congo Puffer
Peacock Gudgeon
Austtralian Empire Gudgeon
Mbu Puffer
Olive Nerite Snail
Threadfin Rainbowfish
Philippine Blue Angelfish
We will be closing early today July 3rd at 4PM, and will be closed tomorrow for the Fourth, please have a happy and safe holiday! And now, the fish!
Round Tail Betta
Chaca Chaca Catfish
Sailfin Molly
White Clouds
Red Tail Catfish
Yamabuki Ogon Koi