Pipefish, Bichers, Eels, Pencilfish, and much more new this week! One of our top favorites are the Vaillant’s Chocolate Gouramis. AND one of our stingrays had babies! (Pups are not yet for sale) Full list of new arrivals is below.
TR = Tank-raised
ODDBALL Doryichthys heterosoma “Long Mouth Pipefish” Polli Bicher Senegalus Bicher Senegalus Longfin Senegalus Bicher Teugelsi Bicher Fire Eel Spiney Eel
CICHLIDS Assorted Male Peacock Cichlids Gold Angel Apistogramma Cacatuoides
COMMUNITY Beckford’s Red Pencilfish (TR) Vaillant’s Chocolate Gourami Chocolate Gourami Harlequin Rasbora Congo Tetra Black Phantom Tetra Penguin Tetra Longfin Rosy Barb (M) Black Ruby Barb Tiger Barb Green Tiger Barb Blond Redtail Blond Guppy (M) Blond Redtail Blond Guppy (F) Blue Diamond Guppy (M) Blue Diamond Guppy (F) Black Molly
Swinging into the weekend strong with Saltwater Saturday! Yes, that’s right – three weeks worth of saltwater arrivals are here at your fingertips! Some exciting highlights include a Fiji Orange Tail Puffer, Flame Hawkfish, Regal Angel, and Scott’s Fairy Wrasse. Full list of saltwater arrivals below.
Did you miss us!? It’s been three weeks since our last New (Freshwater) Fish Friday post, but we promise the new fish have been diving in! We got an awesome South American shipment, as well as a bunch of others – we’ve listed them all out below. Pictured here are some highlights.
* = Arrived week of 7/29 or 8/5, please call to confirm availability
WC = Wild Caught
ODDBALL Fahaka Puffer* Silver Arowana* Red Belly Piranha* Marble Archer Fish Black Ghost Knife* African Clawed Frog* Albino Clawed Frog*
CICHLIDS Assorted Peacock Cichlid Ocellaris Peacock Bass* Atabapo Red Pike Cichlid* Big Head Cherry Flowerhorn Oscar Fish (WC)* Satanoperca Mapiritensis “Fine Spotted Eartheater”* Red Head Tapajos Cichlid Pterophyllum Altum (Atabapo River)* Apistogramma Agassizii*
COMMUNITY Giant Hatchetfish* Marbled Hatchetfish* Daisy Blue Rice Fish* Assorted Dwarf Gourami Golden Dwarf Gelius Barb Tiger Barb Green Neon Tetra* Cardinal Tetra (WC)* Bleeding Heart Tetra* Rummynose Tetra Platinum Rummynose Tetra Assorted Platy Harlequin Rasbora Zebra Danio*
CATFISH / LOACHES / PLECOS Glass Catfish Farlowella Acus “Twig Catfish”* Banjo Catfish* Synodontis Petricola* Otocinclus* Julii Cory Sterbai Cory Albino Sterbai Cory Panda Cory Albino Sailfin Pleco L200 Green Phantom Pleco* L191 Broken Line Royal Pleco* L140 Peckoltia Pleco* L240 Galaxias Vampire Pleco* LDA38 Hypostomus Pleco* Sewellia Lineolata “Reticulated Hillstream Loach” Hifin Banded Loach* Clown Loach Yo Yo Botia
GOLDFISH Assorted A Grade Import Koi Assorted Grade A Kohaku Import Koi