New Arrivals Plants

New plants! 03/30/23

It might not feel like Spring but it’s heating up with this new shipment! Some stem plants don’t mind if they are not in substrate. Anacharis Najans (Guppy Grass) is a great beginner plant that can be planted or let float around the tank for a prefect fry bed. Water Sprite grows large broad leaves with hanging roots when let to roam the surface of your aquarium. Don’t forget to check out our staple plants including; Anubias, Java Fern, Pogostemon and Vallisneria.


Anubias Congensis
Anacharis Najas (Guppy Grass)
Contortion Vallisneria
Dwarf Sagittaria
Italian Vallisneria
Jungle Vallisneria
Lloydiella Golden
Ludwigia Dark Red
Ludwigia Ovalis
Ludwigia Super Red Mini
Myrio Green
Parrot Feather
Pogostemon Stellatus Narrowleaf
Rotala Indica Pearl
Scarlet Temple
Christmas Moss
Dwarf Hair Grass (mat)
Crypt Balansae
Crypt Lucens
Crypt Undulata
Java Fern Mat
Java Fern Narrow Leaf
Water Sprite Laceleaf
Java Moss
Sagittaria Broadleaf
Sagittaria Narrowleaf
Harbich Red Sword
Red Root Floater

Water Sprite Indian Fern
Water Sprite Laceleaf
Amazon Sword
Cardinal Plant
Dwarf Baby Tears
Dwarf Hairgrass
Giant Hairgrass
Hygro Willow
Jungle Vallisneria
Monte Carlo
Ludwigia Ovalis
Pennywort Brazilian

New Arrivals Saltwater

Saltwater Saturday 03/25/23

Spicing this week up with saltwater additions of all expertise. 🌶 From a poisonous Stripes Puffer and a Red Coris Wrasse to Greentip Bubble Anemones, there’s a little something for everyone. 👶👩👨‍🦰 Don’t forget! We still have a massive clownfish sale going on right now, so get some clowns before they’re gone! 💸 To look at this week’s arrival list below.

Sailfin Fairy Wrasse
Solor Fairy Wrasse
Red Coris Wrasse
Blue Throat Fairy Wrasse
Neon Blue Cleaner Wrasse
Rainfords Goby
Orange Firefish Goby
Yellow Fin Tang
Yellow Rabbitfish
Stars and Stripes Puffer
Bar Gobies
Gold Head Sleeper Goby
Green Clown Goby
Orange Skunk Clownfish Pair
African Flameback Angel

Halloween Urchin’s
Chocolate Chip Starfish
Lrg Coral Banded shrimp
Sand Sifting Sea Cucumbers
Decorator Crabs
Condylactis Anemone
Green Bubbletip Anemone

New Arrivals Plants

New plants! 03/23/23

Looking to up your planted tank game? Try some of our new intermediate or advanced plants. Hygrophila Willow is a beautiful stem pant that grows and grows with full light green leaves. If you’re looking for something shorter check out Staurogyne Repens. This plant may be hard to pronounce but boy does it look good once it’s established in a tank. Don’t worry if these plants melt back, just like humans we need time to adjust to new environments.

Atlandsberg Sword
Harbich Red Sword
Harbish Sword
Ruffle Sword
Amazon Sword
Anubias Coffefolia
Anubias Congensis
Anubias Minima
Anubas Nana
Dwarf Sagittaria
Hygro Willow
Italian Vallisneria
Ludwigia Cuba
Ludwigia Ovalis
Ludwigia Super Red Mini
Nesea Golden
Parrot Feather
Pogostemon Narrowleaf
Rotala Green
Monte Carlo (mat)
Crypt Balansae
Crypt Parva
Java Fern Windelov
Java Fern
Jungle Vallisneria
Water Sprite Indian Fern
Water Sprite Laceleaf
Staurogyne Repens
Pear Weed (portion cup)
Uruguayensis Sword

Anubias Barteri
Anubias Nana Golden
Cardinal Plant
Creeping Rush
Crypt Flamingo
Dwarf Aquarium Lily
Dwarf Four Leaf Clover
Hygro Willow
Hydrocotyle Japan
Mermaid Weed
Pennywort Brazilan
Tiger Lotus
Crypt Undulata
Crypt Tropica
Gradifolius Sword

New Arrivals Saltwater

Saltwater Saturday 03/18/23

Amongst all our newest saltwater arrivals we have a beautiful Decorated Rabbitfish that can use camouflage and a Fu Manchu Shrimp with the most adorable tiny whiskers! 👀🦐 Today we are also introducing a huge clown fish sale that will continue throughout this week. 💸 Aside from all the awesome new fish, not only did we receive tons of new life rock in all shapes and sizes, but we also have a steal of a deal going on for 5L jugs of Red Sea algae NO3:PO4-X. 🎉Make sure to stop by and check our newest products or look at our newest aquatic arrivals below.

Solor Fairy Wrasse
Sixline Wrasse
Melanarus Wrasse
Carpenter Fairy Wrasse
Longnose Hawkfish
Decorated Rabbitfish
Diamond Goby
Aurora Goby
Bangaii Cardinals
Ruby Red Dragonet
Blue Midas Blenny

Engineer Goby

Fu Manchu Shrimp

Freshwater New Arrivals

Freshwater Friday 03/17/23

The weekend is drawing close with yet another wonderful Freshwater Friday. 🌊 We restocked almost all our Betta department with gorgeous new Black Crowntail Betta, Galaxy Koi Betta, Elephant Ear Betta and more! 👑🐘 If you’re looking to get a Betta as a Birthday present or just curious about what you may need to get started, we have a few kits that include all the essentials! 👍 For all the newest arrivals check out below!

Tetraodon fluviatilis “Green Puffer”

Assorted Guppy (male)
Assorted Guppy (female)
Assorted Endler Guppy (male and female)
Assorted Balloon Molly
Assorted Platy
Bumble Bee Platy
Micky Mouse Kohaku Platy
Tiger Swordtail
Swordtail Pineapple Swordtail
Zebra Danio

Black Crowntail Betta (male)
Dragon Halfmoon Betta (male)
Elephant Ear Plakat Betta (male)
Super Red Elephant Ear Plakat Betta (male)
Galaxy Koi Betta (male)
Nemo Koi Betta (male)
Halfmoon Plakat Betta (male)
Halfmoon Betta (male)
Elephant Ear Betta (male)

Platinum Ram
German Blue Ram (Locally Raised!)
Electric Blue Acara

New Arrivals Plants

New plants! 03/16/23

We are green with envy this week or maybe it’s the luck of the Irish. The Plant Department is filled with lots of green easy to advanced pants including Water Sprite. As an easy, frilly fern like plant that you can float for broader leaves. Or plant it to keep a great spot for fish to take a break in. Parrot Feather is a fast growing stem plant that prefers a little more nutrients and light for full feathery leaves.

Hygro Pinna
Ludwigia Cuba
Ludwigia Dark Red
Ludwigia Ovalis
Parrot Feather
Pogostemon Stellatus Narrowleaf
Contortion Vallisneria
Italian Vallisneria
Jungle Vallisneria
Anubias Barteri
Anubias Coffeefolia
Anubias Nana
Crypt Costata
Crypt Spiralis
Java Fern
Java Fern Narrow Leaf
Java Fern Mat
Water Sprite Indian Fern
Water Sprite Laceleaf
Dwart Four Leaf Clover
Dwarf Baby Tears Mat
Amazon Sword
Red Root Floater
Christmas Moss
Java Moss

Dwarf Baby Tears
Crinum Calamistratum
Creeping Rush
Dwarf Hairgrass
Pear Weed
Anubias Nana Petite
Vesuvius Sword

New Arrivals Saltwater

Saltwater Saturday 03/11/23

Talk about beautiful!🌺 Wrasses are popular for many reasons, but their distinct and vibrant color patterns are what truly makes them highly sought after. They come in Every color of the rainbow effectively making almost any wrasse you have distinguishable from each other. A new unusual guest has also made their way into our tanks🤫 Flame Scallops if threatened can propel themselves by releasing a strong jet of water! ⚡️Look at all the newest Arrivals below.

Solor Fairy Wrasse
Red Banded Shrimp Goby
Orange Line Goby
Diamond Goby
Purple Firefish Goby

Flame Scallop’s
Arrow Crab

Hammer Coral (per polyp)
Ultra Rock Flower Anemones
Ultra Rainbow Bubble Anemone

Freshwater New Arrivals

Freshwater Friday 03/03/23

It’s wonderfully warm in our fish room today as we welcome all our new arrivals. ☀️ One of our most highly requested fish being the Flowerhorns, which get their names from the nuchal hump on their heads. 🧠 In addition, we got more pea puffers, as we know they are also an aquarium favorite. ❤💙 For all the newest arrivals take a look below.

Celestial Pearl Danio
Assorted Fancy Mix Angelfish
Black Angels
American Flagfish
Electric Green Glo Tetra
Moonrise Pink Glo Tetra
Sunburst Orange Glo Tetra
Starfire Red Glo Tetra
Neon Tetra
Black Molly
Common Guppy
Powder Blue Gourami (Male)

Cherry Red Flower Horn
Parachromis Managuensis “Jaguar Cichlid”
Blood Red Parrot Cichlid

Red Cap Oranda
Calico Telescope Goldfish

Rubra Betta (Pair)
Assorted Betta (Female)

Ghost Shrimp
Vampire Crab (terrestrial crab)

Algae Eating Shark
Glass Catfish

Pea Puffer
Irian Jaya Tiger Datnoid

New Arrivals Plants

New plants! 03/02/23

Guess what, we’ve got more swords and they’re even bigger than before. Tall thank? No problem, the Amazon and Oriental Swords are almost too tall for our tanks and would look better in yours. Jungle, Italian and Contortion Vallisneria are great for hiding equipment in your tanks and fish love to swim through like 60s beaded curtains.

Altlandsberg Sword
Amazon Sword
Anubias Congensis
Anubias Frazeri
Aunbias Nancon
Aponogeton Natans
Contortion Vallisenria
Crypt Parva
Crypt Wendtii Mi Oya
Dwarf Babytears on Lava Rock
Dwarf Hairgrass Mat
Italian Vallisneria
Java Fern Windelov
Java Fern
Jungle Vallisneria
Lloydiella Golden
Ludwigia Cuba
Ludwigia Ovalis
Ludwigia Red
Ludwigia Super Red Mini
Melon Sword
Nesaea Golden
Oriential Sword
Parrot Feather
Red Flame Sword
Rosette Sword
Rotala Green
Rotala Wallichii
Sagittaria Narrowleaf
Scarlet Temple
Water Sprite Laceleaf
Water Sprite Indian Fern
Red Root Floater

Amazon Sword
Anubias Barteri
Cardinal Plant
Chain Sword
Anubias Coffeefolia
Creeping Rush
Dwarf Four Leaf Clover
Hygro Willow
Italian Vallisneria
Hydrocoytle Japan
Melon Sword
Monte Carlo
Anubias Nana Petite
Ludwigia Ovalis
Ozelot Red Sword
Pearl Weed
Pennywort Brazilian
Temple Plant