Today we received a great selection of FW favorites and rarities!
- Danakilia sp. Shukoray (TR) **Rare FW cichlid from Eritrea
- Flame Red Agassizii Apisto
- Assorted Discus
- Sabalo Barracuda
- Silver Arowana
- Humphead Flowerhorn
- Oscar
- Blood Red Parrot Cichlid
- Veil Angel Ram
- Gold Ram
- Royal Red Neon Gourami
- Blue Gourami
- Gold Gourami
- Gold Neon Barb
- Fasin Creek Rainbow
- Gidomen Village Rainbow (TR)
- Cardinal Tetra (TR)
- Neon Tetra
- Brilliant Rummy Nose Tetra
- Red Red-Eye Lyretail Sword
- Assorted Mollies
- Neon Platy
- Assorted Male Guppies
- Albino Cory
- Julii Cory
- Sumatra Kuhli Loach
- Horseface Loach
- Striped Raphael Catfish
- Chocolate Raphael Catfish
- Otocinclus Catfish
- Algae Eater
- Blue Velvet Shrimp
- Orange Rili Shrimp (TR)
- Brownorum Betta Pair
- Assorted Male & Female Bettas
- Calico Oranda Goldfish
- Red & White Red Cap Oranda Goldfish
- Ranchu Goldfish
- Red & White Ryukin Goldfish