Tank-tastic Tuesday! The weekend snow couldn’t stop our freshwater fish from arriving yesterday, check out what we got in (warning: be ready to go BANANAS for the bettas)!
We also received a great bunch of Powder Blue Tangs for you saltwater gurus!
Red Belly Piranha
Red/Orange Peacock
Yuanbao Parrot Cichlid
Platinum Angelfish
Karnataka Roseline Shark
Roseline Shark
Golden Honey Gourami
Gold Gourami
Boesemani Rainbow
Neon Dwarf Rainbow
Albino Tiger Barb
Platinum Green Tiger Barb
Odessa Barb
Silver Hatchetfish
White Fin Tetra
Cardinal Tetra (TR)
Sailfin Molly
White Cloud Minnow
Sterbei Cory
Zebra Botia
Clown Loach
Red Tail Catfish
Albino Algae Eater
Tiger & Zebra Snails
Dwarf African Frog
Imbellis Betta
Super Delta Dumbo Ear Betta (F)
Half Moon Rosetail Betta (M)
Roundtail Betta (M)
Half Moon Betta (M)
Half Moon Double Tail Betta (M)
Assorted Koi
Assorted Plants