Freshwater New Arrivals

Freshwater Friday 12/09/22

This week for Freshwater Friday we got a few unique and hard to find plecos. From beautiful vibrant eyes to oddly shaped heads and scales, here at Forest Lake Pets, we have all your aquarium needs. Take a look at this weeks newest arrivals below or stop by and take a look around.

Dicrossus maculatus
Crenicichla compressiceps “Dwarf Green Pike Cichlid”

L134 Peckoltia compta “Leopard Frog Pleco”
L027 Panaque armbrusteri (Xingu) “Gold Line Royal Pleco”
L137 Hypostomus soniae “Red Fin Blue Eyed Hypostoumus”
L027 Panaque armbrusteri (Tapajos) “Gold Line Royal Pleco”
L025 Pseudacanthicus sp. “Scarlet Pleco”
L025 Pseudacanthicus sp. “Scarlet Pleco”
L029 Leporacanthicus galaxias “Galaxy Pleco”
Leporacanthicus heterodon “Golden Vampire Pleco”