Saltwater Saturday 12/30/2023
Light up your senses with our new Flameback Angel.
This is such a beautiful fish, but it was having such a blast swimming around he didn’t want to pause for a picture. They only get around three inches long and are harder to find than other dwarf angel species due to their narrow distribution. Another exciting arrival this week is a Twospot Coralfish. These reach roughly 5-6 inches long, and although they are a more cautious species, this one was super friendly following us every time we walked past his tank.
Check out the newest saltwater shipment below.
We will be closed on Monday 01/01/2024 for New Year’s Day.

Harlequin Tusk
Sixline Wrasse
Two Spot Coralfish
True Falcula Butterfly
Scooter Blenny
African Flameback Angel
Coral Beauty
Wheelers Prawn Goby
Rainfords Goby
Gold Head Sleeper Goby
Sailfin Tang
Half Black Chocolate Tang
Heniochus Black and White
Matted Filefish
Red Serpant Star