Saltwater Saturday 06/03/23
Watch out, we are making waves with this week’s newest fish! 🌊 We stocked more blennies, gobies, anthias, a brand-new type of eel, and more. 🥳 If fish wasn’t what you were looking for this week, don’t worry! The saltwater room is having a MASSIVE sale on polyps of Frogspawn, so make sure to stop by and pick a few up for your aquarium! 🐸 Take a quick peek at this week’s new arrivals below or check it out in person.

Coral Beauty
Cleaner Wrasse
Orange-Back Fairy Wrasse
Wards Sleeper Goby
Six Spot Sleeper Goby
Two Spot Goby
Yellow Clown Gobies
Engineer Gobies
Mandarin Dragonet
Black-edge Moray Eel
Raccoon Butterfly
Tail-spot Blennys
Scooter Blenny
Scooter Blenny
Lantern Basslet
Chalk Basslets
Tiger Queen Anthias
Male Squampinnis Anthias
Dispar Anthias
Regal Angelfish
Sailfin Tang
Coral banded Shrimp
Halloween Urchin