Saltwater Saturday 07/15/23
Pictures cannot do justice to what these beauties look like! 🤩
With so many eye-catching options how can you choose just one? 🧐 There are to many Beautiful Wrasses, Hard Working Gobies, and vibrant colored Tangs to choose from. 🐠
Checkout this week’s newest arrivals below.

Four-Eye Mocha Storm Clownfish
Mandarin Dragonets
Orange Axil Wrasse
Yellow Coris Wrasse
Longnose Hawkfish
Yellow Anthias
Stars and Stripes Puffer
Gold Head Sleeper Goby
Cerith Snails
Sandsifting Starfish
Ultra-Rainbow Bubbletip Anemones
New Foods!
Live Copepods
Live Rotifers
Live Plankton
Arctic Pods
Pacific Pods
Mysis Feast