New Arrivals Saltwater

Coral Highlight 06/24/2025

Coral Highlight 06/24/2025

Coral appreciation post!

We have a few newly shipped and fragged corals to share with everyone. Don’t forget to stop on by before they are gone.

New Arrivals Saltwater

Saltwater Saturday 06/22/2024

Saltwater Saturday 06/22/2024

Let’s fish through our favorite new arrivals.

One of my favorite choices this week is the Blue Eye Bristletooth Tang, as it is such a gorgeously unique fish. Tangs can be skittish, but as they grow more comfortable with their surroundings they become friendly and outgoing fish. We also all love a good Sand Sifting Cucumber. This invertebrate is fun to watch or play Ispy with, although it moves around slowly.

This weeks newest arrivals are listed below.

Ariopsis Felis Catfish (Marine)
Wild Ocellaris Clown Wild
Onyx Percula Clown (AC)
Arnaz Damsel
Green Chromis
Wheelers Prawn Goby
Yellow Stripe Cave Goby
Blue Eye Bristletooth Tang
White Tail Tang
Dussumieri Tang
Orange Back Fairy Wrasse
Solorensis Wrasse

Pink Tip Condylactis Anemone
Sexy Shrimp
Sand Sifting Cucumber
Orange Fromia Star
Ninja Star Astera Snail

Pink Eye Chalice Frag
Tricolor Acropora Hyacinthus Frag
Tricolor Acropora Valida
Aus Green Splatter Hammer
Fiji Zoanthids

Freshwater New Arrivals

Freshwater Friday 06/21/2024

Freshwater Friday 06/21/2024

New fish from Peru and Florida!

Come check out the Goyder River Rainbowfish, Iodotropheus sprengerae, Thoracocharax securis “Giant Silver Hatchet”, and CW123 Yellowfin Corydoras. With cool colors like our latest Pseudotropheus Acei, you cannot go wrong.

Check out the newest arrivals below.

Amazon Puffer

Dicrossus Filamentosus “Checkerboard Cichlid”
Biotodoma cupido
Jurupari Eartheater
Iodotropheus sprengerae
Pseudotropheus Acei
Large Male Peacocks (Florida Raised – High Quality – Non-Hormoned)
Red Spot Severum
Gold Severum
Gold Severum
German Blue Ram
Gold Ram

Cardinal Tetra
Rummynose Tetra
Petitella georgiae “Rummynose Tetra”
Marginatus Pencilfish “rosa”
Marble Hatchet
Silver Hatchet
Thoracocharax securis “Giant Silver Hatchet”
Carnegiella schereri “Blackwing Hatchet”
Angelfish (Wild Caught)
Spotted Angelfish (Wild Caught)
Albino Millenium Rainbow
Dorityi Rainbowfish
Emerald Green Wanamensis Rainbowfish
Goyder River Rainbowfish

Orange Mexican Dwarf Crayfish

Pygmaeus Cory
Arcuatus Cory
Concolor Cory
Green Laser Cory
CW123 Yellowfin Corydoras
Pimelodus Pictus Catfish
Zebra Otocinclus
Lasiancistrus heteracanthus “Red Eye Redtail Pleco”

New Arrivals Reptile

Bearded Dragons 06/19/2024

Bearded Dragons 06/19/2024

One surrendered adult male, one surrendered adult female, and three baby beardies are ready for adoption. All of them are eating amazingly and sucking the bugs up like little vacuums.

New Arrivals Plants

New plants! 06/20/24

Short and sweet this week as in short list and SWEET plants! We have Contortion Vallisneria back in stock. This curly, adaptable grass loves a nutrient rich substrate and can grow in moderate to high lighting. If you’re using gravel or sand, just be sure to supplement with your favorite root tabs. Once settled in your tank, this plant will send out runners adding more to create a lush hideaway for your fish.

Anubias Nana Golden
Anubias Nancon
Anubias Congensis
Lloydiella Golden
Ludwigia Cuba
Ludwigia Ovalis
Dwarf Red Stem Parrot Feather
Pogostemon Stellatus Narrowleaf
Crypt Wendtii Brown
Water Sprite Indian Fern
Water Sprite Laceleaf
Dwarf Sagittaria
Contortion Vallisneria
Pellia Moss (portions)
Mosaic Plant

Giant Baby Tears
Ludwigia Ovalis
Dwarf Sagittaria
Giant Hairgrass
Pearl Weed
Vesuvius Sword

New Arrivals Small Mammal

New Pigs 06/19/2024

New Pigs 06/19/2024

Help us find these surrendered guinea pigs a good home. We have a group of three bonded females and three bonded males looking to receive a loving family. They will be listed as three for the price of one to ensure we find a home that will take each bonded group, as there are also more guinea pigs waiting to come in as surrenders after these find homes. Give these little piggies a second chance at a good life.

New Arrivals Saltwater

New Coral and Anemones 06/17/2024

New Coral and Anemones 06/17/2024

Grab a new coral or anemone piece for your aquarium today!

New Arrivals Saltwater

Saltwater Saturday 06/15/2024

Saltwater Saturday 06/15/2024

Are you feeling extra salty?

Calm your nerves by taking a day to watch some unique aquatics. Take a trip around our newest cool corals, wiggly wrasses, and crazy crabs. This store has HUNDREDS of frag options to look through. Don’t waste your weekend at home when you could be chillin’ with the fish.

Full list of this week’s newest arrivals below.

Coral Beauty
Royal Gramma
Bicolor Blenny
Starry Blenny
Banggai Cardinal
Pajama Cardinal
Ocellaris Clown Wild
Bella Sleeper Goby
Green Mandarin Dragonet
Yasha Goby Pistol Shrimp Pair
Panther Grouper
Yellow Coris Wrasse
Cleaner Wrasse
Naokoae Fairy Wrasse
Social Fairy Wrasse
Yellow Banded Possum Wrasse

Peppermint Shrimp
Tiger Pistol Shrimp
Arrow Crab
Blue Leg Hermit Crab
Emerald Crab
Red Leg Hermit Crab
Pencil Urchin
Blue Tuxedo Urchin
Red Tuxedo Urchin
Mexican Turbo Snail

ECC Meteor Shower Cyphastrea Frag
ECC Drogon Cyphastrea Frag
EEC Candyland Cyphastrea Frag
WWC Skittles Bomb Cyphastrea
ECC Mystify Cyphastrea Frag
Aussie Acropora
Indo Zoanthis
Indo Yuma
Indo Zoanthid
Aussie Regular Duncan

Freshwater New Arrivals

Freshwater Friday 06/14/2024

Freshwater Friday 06/14/2024

These lanky little lads are adorable!

Mudskippers are so smart and have some of the most outgoing personalities. We’ve had quite a few that will do tricks to catch our attention for sweet snacks. They love to make burrows and perch outside the water on top of rocks and décor.

Drop by and check us out or look at the list of new arrivals below.

African Rope Fish
Fahaka Puffer (large)
Periophthalmus vulgaris “African Mudskipper”

Elephant Nose

Atyopsis gabonensis “Vampire Shrimp” (Small)

Parailia pellucida “African Glass Cat”

New Arrivals Plants

New plants! 06/13/24

Our shipment of plants this week has numerous options for the beginner aquarist. Crypt Parva is a nano crypt that is perfect for any tank with moderate to high lighting. Although its growth might be slow, it can create a great looking carpet. Check out the Java Fern Trident if you’re looking to add a bit of height to your scape. This prestigious fern is an easy plug-and-play plant that loves to be attached to wood or rocks. But just like any royalty, try not to make any drastic changes (to your water), and it hates to be buried.

Anubias Barteri
Anubias Frazeri
Anubias Lancelata
Anubias Nancon
Aponogeton Boivinianus
Aponogeton Longiplumulosus
Didiplis Diandra (Water Hedge)
Hygro Blue
Ludwigia Cuba
Ludwigia Ovalis
Ludwigia Super Red Mini
Ludwigia White
Mint Charlie
Parrot Feather
Pogostemon Stellatus Narrow Leaf
Christmas Moss
Crypt Flamingo
Crypt Parva
Crypt Spiralis
Java Fern (Mat)
Java Fern Trident
Java Fern Wendelov
Java Fern
Water Sprite Indian Fern
Water Sprite Laceleaf
Red Root Floater
Jungle Vallisneria

Cardinal Plant
Creeping Rush
Dwarf Four Leaf Clover
Hydrocotyle Japan
Monte Carlo
Anubias Nana Golden
Ruffle Sword
Vesuvius Sword

Water Hyacinths
Jumbo Water Lettuce
Rosette Water Lettuce