New Arrivals Saltwater

Saltwater Saturday 07/20/2024

Saltwater Saturday 07/20/2024

Saltwater Saturday.
We’re giving a splash of color with these new aquatics. Some of the arrivals are an Orange Belly Blue Tang, three Flame Angels, Pom Pom Crabs, and Pedersons Anemone Shrimp. It’s never too late to spice up your tank with something new!

Check out this week’s newest arrivals below

Xmas Island
Gold Midas Blenny
Orange Belly Blue Tang
Wards Sleeper Goby
Yellow Coris Wrasse
Flame Angel

Coral Banded Shrimp
Pedersons Anemone Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Tiger Pistol Shrimp
Emerald Crab
Pom Pom Crab
Arrow Crab
Blue Leg Hermit Crab
Ninja Star Astera Snail
Chocolate Chip Starfish

Duncan Colony
Fiji Ultra Zoanthis Colony