Freshwater New Arrivals

Freshwater Friday 01/31/2025

Freshwater Friday 01/31/2025

Freshwater Friday is here, and it’s hard to believe that we’re already a month into 2025!

To mark the occasion, we’re thrilled to announce a fantastic restock of GLO fish. You can look forward to a vibrant selection that includes Danios, Tetras, Barbs, and even one type of Cory. Dive into the colorful world of GLO fish and enhance your aquarium with these lively additions!

Newest arrivals are listed below

Albino Red Tiger Oscar (2 Inches)

Assorted Longfin Danio
Starfire Red GLO Danio
Cosmic Blue GLO Danio
Electric Green GLO Danio
Galactic Purple GLO Danio
Sunburst Orange GLO Danio
Electric Green GLO Tiger Barb
Sunburst Orange GLO Tiger Barb
Starfire Red GLO Tiger Barb
Galactic Purple GLO Tiger Barb
Electric Gree GLO Tetra
Moonrise Pink GLO Tetra
Sunburst Orange GLO Tetra
Sunburst Orange GLO Tetra
Galactic Purple GLO Tetra
Starfire Red GLO Tetra
Assorted Male Rainbowfish
American Flag Fish
Albino Kohaku Guppy (Male)
Albino Kohaku Guppy (Female)
Common Guppy
Rosy Red Minnow
White Cloud Minnows

Sun Orange GLO Cory
Synodontis Eupterus (Medium)
Synodontis Eupterus (Small)

Brown Dwarf Frog
Gold Dwarf Frog

Ghost Shrimp
Assasin Snail
Mystery Snail

New Arrivals Saltwater

Saltwater Saturday 01/25/2025

Saltwater Saturday 01/25/2025

Explore the fascinating world of marine life with the unusual Arrow Crab!

These remarkable creatures are distinguished by their elongated bodies and ten delicate legs, often leading to double-takes from onlookers who mistake them for mere rocks. In addition to the Arrow Crabs, we are also excited to introduce two new Chocolate Chip Starfish (Not Reef Safe) and the charming Talbot Damsels, perfect additions to any aquatic habitat. Dive into this vibrant underwater ecosystem and discover the beauty and intrigue these species bring!

Newest arrivals are listed below

Chocolate Chip Starfish
Talbot Damsel
Neon Goby
Red Mandarin Dragonet

Tiger Pistol Shrimp (Small)
Arrow Crab
Electric Blue Hermit Crab
Emerald Crab
Porcelain Crab
Scarlet Hermit Crab
Black Foot Trochus Snail
Fiji Turbo Snail

Green Weeping Willow Leather
Fuzzy Green Mushroom
Elegance Coral

Freshwater New Arrivals

Freshwater Friday 01/24/2025

Freshwater Friday 01/24/2025

Taiwans aquatics have landed!

This week, we’re thrilled to showcase the stunningly vibrant shrimp that have just arrived. With colors like these, you will not miss these cute additions strolling peacefully across your aquarium. Also making a much-anticipated comeback are the unique freshwater Pom Pom Crabs.

Check out the full list of new arrivals is below

Vieja synspila “Redhead Cichlid”
Ngara Peacock
Blood Red Jewel Cichlid

Serpae Tetra
Black Neon Tetra
Assorted Fancy Guppy (Male)
Assorted Fancy Guppy (Female)

Corydoras paleatus “Peppered Cory”
Panda Cory

Black Ghost Knife

Red Cherry Shrimp
Blue Velvet Shrimp
Red Rili Shrimp
Crystal Red Shrimp (Grade S)
Blue Rili Shrimp
Amano Shrimp
Assorted Color Neocaridina Shrimp
Sun Orange Sun Amano Shrimp
Pom Pom Crab
Assorted Nerite Snail

New Arrivals Saltwater

Saltwater Saturday 01/18/2025

Saltwater Saturday 01/18/2025

Tons of new clownfish varieties!

These new varieties are absolutely amazing, showcasing a stunning range of colors and patterns. From strikingly white specimens to intricate maze-like designs, the options are endless. Whether you’re an experienced aquarist or just starting out, there’s a clownfish variety that will fit perfectly into your aquarium setup. Dive into the world of these vibrant fish and discover the beauty they can bring to your underwater aquascape!

List of new arrivals is below.

Clownfish (multiple new varieties)

Freshwater New Arrivals

Freshwater Friday 01/17/2025

Freshwater Friday 01/17/2025

The latest shipment from Indonesia has arrived, bringing an exciting selection of new Hillstream loaches, including the stunning Blue Tails and the unique Striped Borneos. Additionally, we’ve restocked some of your beloved tetra varieties. In addition, for those who adore them, more vampire crabs have made their way back into our tanks. Swing by and spend the afternoon with us at your favorite aquatic destination!

Assorted Peacock Cichlid (Large)
German Blue Ram
Electric Blue Ram

Rummy Nose Tetra
Brilliant Rummy Nose Tetra
Ember Tetra
Neon Tetra (Small)
Neon Tetra (Large)
Cardinal Tetra
Tiger Barb
Roseline Shark (Small)
Roseline Shark (Medium)
Hengeli Rasbora
Scissortail Rasbora
Blue Neon Dwarf Gourami
Multicolored Endler Guppy
Full Red Guppy
Blue Moscow Guppy
Glossolepis incisus “Red Rainbow”
Pseudomugil paskai “Dwarf Neon Red Rainbow”
Neon Blue Dwarf Praecox Rainbow

Gastromyzon punctulatus “Bichir Hill Stream Loach”
Gastromyzon cf zebrinus “Striped Borneo Hill Stream Loach”
Kryptopterus minor “Gold Back Ghost Catfish”
Clown Loach
Julii Cory
Sterbai Cory

Delhezi Bichir

Purple Vampire Crab

New Arrivals Plants

New plants! 01/16/25

Need a New Year’s Resolution still, BUY MORE PLANTS! Water Sprite, Glossostigma, Anubias Afzelii and many others back in stock. We have many selections for high to low tech, carpets to floaters. It’s time to get your tank looking like a jungle!

Hygrophila Blue
Ludwigia Cuba
Pogostemon Stellatus Narrowleaf
Scarlet Temple
Crypt Wendtii Brown (clump)
Anubias Afzelii
Anubias Congensis
Anubias Frazeri
Anubias Nana Golden (clump)
Anubias Nancon
Java Fern
Java Fern Windelov
Water Sprite Indian Fern
Water Sprite Laceleaf
Contortion Vallisneria
Jungle Vallisneria
Red Root Floater
Christmas Moss
Java Moss
Hygrophila Compacta
Staurogyne Repens

Baby Tears
Italian Vallisneria
Cardinal Plant
Dwarf Four Leaf Clover
Dwarf Hairgrass
Micro Sword
Monte Carlo
Pearl Weed
Anubias Nana Petite
Crypt Wendtii Red

New Arrivals Saltwater

Saltwater Saturday 01/11/2025

Saltwater Saturday 01/11/2025

Dive into our latest offerings, including Blue Triggerfish, a stunning Red Labrid Juv, a Royal Dottyback, a Irian Chocolate Surgeon, and a Court Jester Goby. In addition to the fish, we’ve also received a variety of fascinating invertebrates. Explore the newest collection of Peppermint Shrimp, Halloween Crabs, and Fire Shrimp, each adding their own unique flair to your underwater ecosystem. Come visit us and discover the perfect aquatic companions to enhance your marine setup!

Newest arrivals are listed below

Red Labrid Juv
Red-and-Blue Wrasse
Red Finned Fairy Wrasse
Orange-Band Wrasses
Asstd Lyretail Wrasses
Matted Leatherjacket
Bicolor Blenny (Male)
Bicolor Blenny (Female)
Striped Rock Blenny
Yellow Watchman Goby
Orange-spotted Prawn Goby
Steinitz’s Goby
Court Jester Goby
Pretty Prawn Goby
Royal Dottyback
Powder-Blue Surgeon
Irian Chocolate Surgeon (Adult)
Brown Sailfin Tang
Pacific Sailfin Tang
Blue Triggerfish
Squamipinnis Anthias (Female)
Carribbean Jewel Damsel
Diamond Goby
Kole Tang (Small)
Purple Tang (Small)
Pink Tail Trigger (Medium)

Coral Banded Shrimp
Fire Shrimp (Medium)
Sexy Shrimp
Skunk Cleaner Shirmp (Medium)
Skunk Cleaner Shirmp (Small)
Arrow Crab
Emerald Crab
Halloween Hermit Crab
Pom Pom Crab
Orange Claw Hermit Crab
Red Leg Hermit Crab
Peppermint Shrimp
Tier Tail Cucumber
Choccolate Chip Star
Serpent Star
Purple Pincushion Urchin
Nerite Snail
Condylactis Pink Tip Anemone

Aus Elegance
Aus Purple Tip Elegance (Small)
Cult Orange Monti Cap
Yellow w/Purple polyp Montipora
Aus Pink Stripe Trachpyllia
Acan Frag
Cultured Rasta Rampage Chalice
Blasto Aus Grade A Polyp
Blasto Purple Aus Polyp
Hammer Branch Aus Toxic Polyp
Blasto Green Aus Polyp
Torch Green Tip Aus Polyp
Fiji Green Sacophyton

Freshwater New Arrivals

Freshwater Friday 01/10/2025

Freshwater Friday 01/10/2025

We understand that there has been a wait for new fish this week. However, we are excited to announce that *next* Friday, our aquatics from Indonesia will complete their quarantine and will be ready to find new homes. Among the beautiful species that WILL be available are Rummy Nose Tetras, Scissortail Rasboras, Vampire Crabs, and Blue Tail Hillstream Loaches. We look forward to welcoming these vibrant additions to customers next Friday as they settle into their new environments!

Our previous arrivals are listed below

New Arrivals Plants

New plants! 01/09/25

The first shipment of the year and stems are back in stock, plus lots of new Swords! Pogostemon is a go-to for an easy grower or Ludwigia Super Red Mini for a higher light splash of red. Check out the Bolbitis Heudolotii; an easy growing, hard water loving plant that doesn’t care much about lighting.

Limnophila Hippuridoides
Ludwigia Cuba
Ludwigia Ovalis
Ludwigia Super Red Mini
Pogostemon Stellatus Narrowleaf
Rotala Red
Anubias Coffeefolia
Crypt Wendtii Green
Amazon Sword
Melon Sword
Muricatus Sword
Uruguayensis Sword
Dwarf Sagittaria
Sagittaria Narrowleaf
Italian Vallisneria
Jungle Vallisneria
Christmas Moss
Bolbitis Heudelotii

Dwarf Baby Tears
Cardinal Plant
Creeping Rush
Monte Carlo
Altlandsberg Sword

Freshwater New Arrivals News Plants Product Saltwater

Five Groups of Rats are Still Available 01/04/2025

Five Groups of Rats are Still Available 01/04/2025

We are on a mission to find loving forever homes for our last few groups of friendly and energetic rats. These adorable little creatures are full of personality and companionship, and they truly deserve to be in a nurturing environment. It’s important to us that these groups stay together, as we want to keep their families intact. We kindly ask you to spread the word among your friends and family to help us find them the perfect homes. Let’s work together to ensure these lovable rats find the love and care they deserve.