Freshwater Friday 10/18/2024
GLO Angelfish are here!
Your eyes do not deceive you; these are pink and red angelfish. The GLO Fish are hard to miss, as the neon colors genuinely snap out at you when strolling by. The current stock includes GLO Tetras, GLO Angelfish, GLO Sharks, GLO Barbs, GLO Cory’s, and GLO Danios.
Check out all our latest varieties of fish below

Assorted Angelfish
Starfire Red GLO Angelfish
Starfire Red GLO Angelfish
Sunburst Orange GLO Shark
Galactic Purple GLO Shark
Cosmic Blue GLO Shark
Electric Green GLO Tetra
Sunburst Orange GLO Tetra
Galactic Purple GLO Tetra
Starfire Red GLO Tetra
Cosmic Blue GLO Tetra
Longfin Starfire Red GLO Tetra
Longfin Galactic Purple GLO Tetra
Longfin Electric Green GLO Tetra
Rainbow Shark
Redtail Black Shark
Rainbow Shark
Fire Red Gourami
Female Betta
L177 Iriri Yellow Seam Gold Nugget Pleco