Freshwater Friday 01/17/2025
The latest shipment from Indonesia has arrived, bringing an exciting selection of new Hillstream loaches, including the stunning Blue Tails and the unique Striped Borneos. Additionally, we’ve restocked some of your beloved tetra varieties. In addition, for those who adore them, more vampire crabs have made their way back into our tanks. Swing by and spend the afternoon with us at your favorite aquatic destination!

Assorted Peacock Cichlid (Large)
German Blue Ram
Electric Blue Ram
Rummy Nose Tetra
Brilliant Rummy Nose Tetra
Ember Tetra
Neon Tetra (Small)
Neon Tetra (Large)
Cardinal Tetra
Tiger Barb
Roseline Shark (Small)
Roseline Shark (Medium)
Hengeli Rasbora
Scissortail Rasbora
Blue Neon Dwarf Gourami
Multicolored Endler Guppy
Full Red Guppy
Blue Moscow Guppy
Glossolepis incisus “Red Rainbow”
Pseudomugil paskai “Dwarf Neon Red Rainbow”
Neon Blue Dwarf Praecox Rainbow
Gastromyzon punctulatus “Bichir Hill Stream Loach”
Gastromyzon cf zebrinus “Striped Borneo Hill Stream Loach”
Kryptopterus minor “Gold Back Ghost Catfish”
Clown Loach
Julii Cory
Sterbai Cory
Delhezi Bichir
Purple Vampire Crab